Signitic is a SaaS solution for centralizing email signatures for Google Workspace, Office 365 and Salesforce.

It offers companies the possibility of creating, activating and managing the signatures of all their employees, from a simple and intuitive interface.

In 2020, the startup based in Lyon called on the services of Growth Room for three months of Growth Outbound support.

Our mission for Signitic: to obtain ROI and set up a good structure, to automate processes to allow teams to easily find scalability later on.

This collaboration, led by our B2B expert at Growth Room Martin Galabru, has obtained convincing results:

  • A tripled turnover in the first quarter of 2021
  • A customer portfolio lined

Here is what we did.


To start a performance mission and get an impact on ROI, good structuring is essential.

We first started with an audit and harmonization of the CRM, then refined the targeting of personas and prospects.

Some of the potential targets:

  • Internal communication manager
  • CTO
  • Office/Happiness Manager
  • COO

Businesses with > 50 employees.

Other targets have been identified: schools and universities.

We also supported the implementation and verification of analytics and marketing tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Pixel, LinkedIn Insight Tag.


After this stage, serious things started.

Here, we helped the teams at Signitic to structure their acquisition funnel, to go beyond a simple Outbound campaign.

Process put in place:

  • Scraping databases

The identified personas were scraped on LinkedIn via Phantombuster. We also scraped other directories that allowed us to obtain a qualified database.

  • Segmentation and verification of databases and their mailboxes

For each scraped lead, a check was carried out. The objective here was to keep all the leads using a mailbox compatible with the Signitic solution.

  • LinkedIn automation

Invitation with message + 2 messages with a personalized link preview and a personalized landing page (The tool we used: Uclic)

  • Data enrichment

Objective: obtain the email addresses of leads who did not accept the addition request or responded to messages on LinkedIn.

  • Cold emailing

Cold emailing campaigns were then launched via Lemlist. Several experiments and iterations were carried out on different target personas.

For each email: a landing page and a hyper-personalized signature.

  • Phoning

    And finally, phoning at the end of the pipeline, with automatic enrichment of telephone numbers via Lusha.

A fully automated process !

Here is an example of cold emailing for internal communication managers:

Exemple d'un cold email envoyé par Signitic

Example of a custom signature (here for Growth Room):

Exemple d'une signature personnalisée par Signitic

And a personalized landing page (always for Growth Room):

Signitic : des landing pages personnalisées

Here are the statistics and results of one of the campaigns:

Résultats et statistiques d'une campagne de cold emailing pour Signitic

2nd iteration

In the middle of Sprint, we switched the process, always using the same technology:

Cold emailing, then invitations and LinkedIn messages at the end of the pace.

In total, more than 2000 leads skilled were contacted, including 900 via cold emailing.

Paid Social Media and SEA

We also helped the Signitic teams reorganize their Facebook and Google Ads campaigns (keywords, auctions, etc.)

4 objectives in SEA:

  • Branding
  • Service
  • Competition
  • Signitic (brand)

On Facebook, the email addresses of affected leads were used in custom audiences to retarget and improve the conversion rate per lead.

Activation and retention

After the acquisition, we supported Signitic on the conversion and retention aspects:

  • Implementation of the Marketing Automation platform (Intercom)

We installed a tracking plan for the various tags, created and switched the activation and retention automation campaigns.

  • Automated NPS (Net Promoter Score) recording to collect customer reviews and testimonials

Note that we have also deployed Mixpanel to allow teams to better structure and analyze their data.


We also supported the teams in obtaining and producing opinions and testimonies from their biggest customers.

Example with Quanto:

Balance sheet and results

After a 3-month Sprint, we allowed the teams to structure themselves and set up an automated, and scalable acquisition, conversion and retention funnel.

“Growth Room has helped us to be more efficient, to optimize our actions and to go further”

Laurent Davesne, co-founder of Signitic.

Signitic quickly exceeded its goals, as soon as our support was over. In November and December 2020, the teams signed no less than 90 contracts.

“In the first quarter of 2021, we increased our turnover by 3 times compared to last year. Over the last five months, we have doubled the number of our customers. And that's because we managed to structure ourselves beforehand.”

Laurent Davesne, co-founder of Signitic.

If you also want to benefit from Growth Outbound support, do not hesitate to contact us at