This is the average increase in the volume of registrations or leads generated with our Google Ads campaigns
This is the average decrease in acquisition costs with our Google Ads campaigns
This is the satisfaction score out of 10 that our customers give us after 3 months.
We promise, we aim for 10/10
Experts in Google Ads, but also in tracking. The Adwords agency sets up everything necessary for your ad conversions to go up well, as well as dashboards to be able to analyze the data and improve what really interests us: the volume of sales generated by the ads, and the cost per purchase.
Google Ads makes it possible to target the audience according to their intention, based on the keywords typed on the search engine.
Different keywords reveal more or less pronounced intentions to optimize the performance of an ad. We work in depth on your target audience in order to show your most relevant products and services in campaigns according to what your audience is looking for.
Search ad campaigns, Adwords display campaigns, Adwords campaigns, shopping campaigns, video campaigns, (YouTube advertising), campaigns for applications... The Growth Room agency helps to find the Google Ads campaign format adapted to the goals and targeted audience of our customers.
Many businesses create their own ads campaigns, but few do it well and have the necessary keys. To achieve good performance, it is essential to know how to use these tools and use advertising data wisely.
In addition, knowing how to master the relevant SEA levers to create your other acquisition channels is a significant plus for its growth.
For each ad campaign, it is essential to measure and analyze everything you do. Our COO & Partner was a Fifty Five team leader. We therefore train each SEA consultant in tracking and data processing so that they can be autonomous in installing your tracking ads, and highly efficient in analyzing your data. You will see, you will no longer be able to do without it for your Google Adwords campaign strategy.
The essence of an Ad strategy agency is, of course, expertise. The expert team of SEA consultants was created with the best senior profiles on the market on the Google Ads network, and little by little, we formed our current team with the best advertising techniques and tools on the web to maximize the performance of your campaigns.
“It is better to be a big one in a small one, than a small one in a big one.” Growth Room is now in the sweet spot: experienced enough to have expertise and be excellent in service (communication, processes, project management, respect of deadlines...), but also on a human scale. Results: each company we support is considered to be the one that makes the agency live. You will see, the responsiveness and flexibility of the team in advertising support is unparalleled. Finally, results and strong involvement are what we really expect from an agency in SEA marketing strategy and SEO, right?
To choose a marketing agency that is expert in Google Ads, it is crucial to look for a team with deep technical expertise in managing SEA campaigns, especially on Google Ads. An agency like Growth Room, Google Partner, which combines skills in SEA, social networks and SEO, can offer a comprehensive strategy to achieve its goals.Growth Room, Google Partner, vous accompagne dans la gestion et l'optimisation de vos campagnes SEA pour maximiser la performance de vos annonces sur le réseau de recherche, display, shopping et YouTube.
The budget for Google Ads depends on your specific goals and industry. Growth Room consultants start with an audit to understand your online business statistics, such as conversion rate or acquisition cost, in order to define an appropriate budget. Growth Room vous guide dans ce processus et vous aide à optimiser ce budget afin d'obtenir des résultats rapides et mesurables.
Using a Google Ads marketing agency like Growth Room allows you to benefit from expertise in creating and managing advertising campaigns. qualité des annonces, le coût par clic (CPC), le taux de conversion et la stratégie d'optimisation des campagnes. Growth Room, expert en SEA et en analyse de données, conçoit des campagnes Google Ads performantes pour maximiser votre retour sur investissement (ROI). Notre but est donc de faire en sorte que ces campagnes Google Ads vous rapportent un chiffre d'affaires supérieur à l’investissement que vous y mettez.
The price of a click in a Google Ads campaign varies depending on a number of factors, including industry, competition for keywords, and ad quality and optimization. The average range is generally between €0.50 and €2.Nos experts recommandent un budget de départ de 2 000 - 2500 € par mois pour obtenir des données exploitables et optimiser progressivement votre acquisition de clients.
The right click through rate (CTR) depends on the industry and the specific goals of the campaign. Growth Room focuses on analyzing and optimizing campaigns to improve CTR. A high rate generally indicates that the ads are relevant and appealing to the target audience. The agency is working to optimize the aspects of the ads to continuously improve CTR and reach more and more qualified customers. concurrence sur les mots-clés, du secteur d'activité et du format publicitaire (Search, Display, Shopping, YouTube). Nos experts en gestion de campagnes Google Ads vous aident à optimiser votre coût par clic (CPC) pour un meilleur retour sur investissement.
Depending on your target, its volume, your average basket and your type of business, Growth Room analyzes the channels that are most likely to bring you results according to 2 criteria: the highest conversion volume and the lowest cost per conversion/purchase.agence Google Ads comme Growth Room garantit une expertise avancée dans la gestion des campagnes et une meilleure optimisation de vos coûts et performances publicitaires. Nos consultants analysent votre marché, optimisent vos annonces et gèrent votre budget pour maximiser vos conversions et votre croissance.
Le coût moyen d'un clic (CPC) varie entre 0,50€ et 2€, selon votre secteur et la concurrence. Growth Room ajuste votre enchère et votre stratégie d'acquisition pour obtenir un CPC optimal et un trafic qualifié.
Une campagne Google Ads réussie repose sur plusieurs facteurs clés :
Nos experts chez Growth Room mettent en place une stratégie sur-mesure pour améliorer votre taux de conversion et vos performances publicitaires.
YouTube Ads et Google Shopping sont des compléments stratégiques aux campagnes Search et Display.
Growth Room intègre ces solutions dans votre stratégie pour accroître votre visibilité et vos ventes.
Selon votre cible, sa volumétrie, votre panier moyen et votre typologie de business, Growth Room analyse les canaux qui sont le plus susceptible de vous apporter du résultat selon 2 critères : le plus haut volume de conversion et le coût par conversion/achat le plus bas.
LinkedIn Ads est un canal adapté aux business B2B, avec un coût par lead / clic cher, mais les leads sont en général très qualifiés. Vous pouvez en savoir plus via notre agence Linkedin Ads.
Facebook Ads se positionne en opposition à LinkedIn, des coûts par lead / achat généralement beaucoup moins élevés, mais une qualification beaucoup plus faible. Les experts de notre agence Facebook Ads pourront vous renseigner là-dessus.