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Agence Pinterest ads

Une agence Pinterest Ads certifiée, pour des campagnes qui font une vraie différence.

Pinterest est un canal puissant mais sous exploité : notre équipe d'experts créent et pilotent vos campagnes Pinterest selon votre budget avec pour seul et unique objectif : générer de la notoriété, du trafic et de (vraies) conversions.
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Our customers proud of their Pinterest campaigns

nos résultats

Our results on Pinterest Ads

Because a number is worth a thousand words, here is the average of the results obtained for our Pinterest Ads customers.

Generated engagement rate


This is the average increase in the engagement rate generated on your Pinterest account, thanks to our campaigns.

Acquisition cost


That's the average decrease in acquisition costs with our Pinterest Ads campaigns

Conversion volume


It is the increase in conversion volume that we observe among our customers thanks to Pinterest Ads campaigns. In particular, they allow you to work well at the top of the funnel, to better convert later.

Why Pinterest Ads?

With Pinterest, you reach 445 million monthly users who are ready to discover and buy new products.

The cost per click of Pinterest ads is incredibly low, often more than 2x cheaper than on other platforms, and the ROI is generally double that of other social networks.
Why? Because the majority of Pinterest users already have an intention to buy.

By using ads on Pinterest, you're building brand awareness and targeting a specific audience with clear Pinterest campaign goals.
And to grasp the full power of this platform and significantly increase your sales, you still need to know how to use it (well)!

Our Pinterest Ads expertise

Through research, success, failures and adjustments, our Ads agency knows exactly what will work for your business and how it will manage to go beyond your advertising goals while optimizing your returns on investment.

Tracking and analysis

Experts in Pinterest advertising, but also in tracking and reporting.
The Pinterest agency is constantly looking for the best people and audiences.
How? Using continuous A/B testing, and dashboards to be able to analyze the data and improve what we really care about: the sales volume generated by Pinterest ads, and the cost per purchase.
Thanks to constant optimization and tracking, we ensure that your campaigns do not perform on time but on an ongoing basis.

Targeting intent

Pinterest Ads allows you to target audiences according to your intention, based on the keywords typed on the search engine.
Different keywords reveal more or less pronounced intentions allowing precise targeting and maximizing the performance of a campaign. We identify the most promising audiences for conversion at each level of your marketing funnel, whether it's acquisition, re-engagement, or retargeting.
By setting clear goals, we design ads that highlight your brand, while staying in line with the latest market trends.

The right strategy for your sector

Based on your specific goals and budget, Growth Room develops the most relevant Pinterest Ads strategy.
The objective: no waste of time and the implementation of a well-defined social ads strategy in advance, which corresponds perfectly to your business.


In addition to Pinterest Ads, multi-lever expertise

Facebook Ads
Google Ads
YouTube Ads
Bing Ads
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LinkedIn Ads
Twitter Ads
Pinterest Ads
Twitch Ads
TikTok Ads

Pinterest Ads is a powerful and accessible tool for finding qualified customers, others are as well.

Just as diversifying an investment portfolio ensures security in the face of market variations, a multi-channel strategy allows you to optimize your return.
Many businesses know this and create their own campaigns on various ad platforms, but few do it well.
However, multi-lever performance depends on the ability to know how to handle tools and use advertising data wisely. That's all of our expertise at Growth Room.

our promise

Growth Room, more than just a Pinterest Ads agency

We are not magicians. We are simply using the power of data multiplied by our expertise in Growth Marketing. Here is what we have in addition:

Our pillars

Data & Tracking
Technical expertise

You want results, that's good news: that's our objective.


Our obsession: to bring you value.

No fake testimonies, nothing more authentic than a view in our inbox to know what our companies think of the Growth Room team.

Frequently asked questions about our agency Pinterest Ads

How do I choose a Google Ads agency?

How does Pinterest Ads work?

How do I advertise on Pinterest?

Why Pinterest Ads?

Who is Pinterest's target?

Are channels like Google Ads or Facebook Ads relevant for me?



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