The best method to optimize your Facebook Ads campaigns

A short series of 6 concise emails, for the effective creation of your Facebook Ads campaigns, and their optimization to maximize your performance.

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facebook Ads: the most used network.

In the various Ads acquisition levers that you can activate, Facebook is by far the most interesting social network in the majority of cases:

- Cost per click is among the cheapest on the market
- The possibility of being present on other partner networks: Instagram, Messenger, or Whatsapp.

Many spend on Facebook Ads, few get good results.

Facebook's defect is therefore not in the cost per lead but in the quality of these leads.

Many businesses set up Facebook Ads campaigns, but very few actually get a correct conversion.

Let's be clear: to obtain a satisfactory acquisition cost on a Facebook advertising campaign, you have to push the Facebook Business Manager machine to the maximum.

The best way to learn: from experts.

Through experiments, successes, failures and readjustments on this ads format, we were able to learn from it to develop a strong expertise in Facebook advertising.

The objective of this Facebook Ads training is to take your campaigns to the next level and trigger sales.

  • Free and concrete.
  • Content that is easy to digest. Never more than 5 minutes of reading!
  • We will teach you how to optimize a campaign in a relevant way, which brings results, not how to do “quick and dirty” things.
  • Nothing better for a Facebook ads training course: based on concrete cases that we experience on a daily basis with the companies that Growth Room supports.

Facebook Ads training program

  • Day 0. Facebook Ads Training - Welcome 👋
  • Day 1. Analyze your performance indicators 🔍
  • Day 2. Detecting and using the right audiences 🎯
  • Day 3. Explode your CTRs with hell of an ad 🔥
  • Day 4. Vertical scaling ↕️
  • Day 5. Horizontal scaling ↔️
  • Day 6 (end). Outsmart the “Breakdown Effect” 💪

Frequently asked questions about Facebook ads training

What is Growth Room's approach to Facebook Ads training?

How does this training help in the creation and optimization of advertising campaigns on Facebook?

What specific modules are covered in this Facebook Ads training?

How is Growth Room's Facebook Ads training different from other courses available?

How do I sign up for the Facebook Ads training offered by Growth Room?

I still don't have time to set up Facebook Ads campaigns, what should I do?

Who are we?

We are an agency of experts in Growth Marketing. We have helped over a hundred businesses develop and execute their growth strategies.
Here we give you a concentrate of all the ad expertise (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin) acquired during these customer experiences so that you too can manage and push the growth of your business to the maximum.

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