Google Ads training: Mastering and maximizing your campaigns

A Google Ads training course in 7 short and concise emails, to effectively build your Google Adwords campaigns, and optimize them to maximize your performance and achieve your goals.

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Google Ads: Users are coming looking for you.

Generate regular traffic based on a query, with the most popular search engine... Google Ads is a preferred channel: it is the user who comes looking for you by typing their query, not you.
Unlike advertising on social networks, such as Facebook Ads, the traffic is immediately qualified and the results are there.

A lot of businesses use Google Ads, few get good results.

Many businesses set up Google Ads campaigns, but very few get a cost per acquisition that is below their limit.
Let's be clear : The main objective is to convert, and to have a cost per lead or an acquisition cost that is the lowest than you set for yourself, in order to benefit from it.

The best way to learn: from experts.

Rose, senior Google Ads expert at Growth Room, gives you, step by step, the method for creating an effective Google Ads campaign structure, and the optimizations of your ads to put in place to maximize your performance on Google and achieve your goals.

  • Free and concrete.
  • Content that is easy to digest. Never more than 5 minutes of reading!
  • We will teach you how to set up a relevant Google Ads campaign, which brings results, not how to do things “quick and dirty”.
  • All this, based on concrete cases that we experience on a daily basis with the companies that Growth Room supports in SEA strategies.

Google Ads training program

  • Day 0. Google Ads training: context and welcome!
  • Day 1. Start-up logistics 🛠
  • Day 2. Account Structure - The Foundations 🧱
  • Day 3. The search for keywords 🎯
  • Day 4. Setting up your Google Ads ⚙️ campaigns well
  • Day 5. Define your budget and auction strategy 💸
  • Day 6. Create 5-star ads ⭐️
  • Day 7 (end). Optimizing your Google Ads 📈 campaign

Google Ads training frequently asked questions

What is Growth Room's approach to Google Ads training?

How is the Google Ads course offered by Growth Room structured?

How does Google Ads training help create and optimize advertising campaigns?

What's unique about Growth Room's Google Ads course?

How do I sign up for the Google Ads training offered by Growth Room?

What is Growth Room's approach to Google Ads training?

Can you manage my Google Ads campaigns?