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Agence Linkedin ads

Une agence LinkedIn Ads certifiée, pour des campagnes qui font une vraie différence.

Notre équipe spécialisée en Linkedin Ads créent et pilotent vos campagnes Linkedin en fonction de votre budget avec un seul et unique objectif : générer plus de leads, au coût le plus faible possible.
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Our customers proud of their LinkedIn Ads campaigns

nos résultats

Our results on LinkedIn Ads

Because a number is worth a thousand words, here is the average of the results obtained for our LinkedIn Ads customers.

Registrations/leads generated


This is the average increase in the volume of lead generated (in white paper or pure lead generation) with our LinkedIn Ads campaigns

Conversion rate


This is the average increase in the conversion rate of our leads generated by LinkedIn compared to other networks (Google Ads and Facebook Ads)



This is the satisfaction score out of 10 that our customers give us after 3 months.
We promise, we aim for 10/10

Why LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn clearly differs from other advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Twitter Ads, Pinterest Ads or Tiktok Ads.
The social network allows ultra-precise targeting of the audience thanks to professional criteria, such as diploma, seniority, profession and sector of activity.

For B2B businesses looking to optimize their paid advertising strategy, LinkedIn is one of the most relevant and interesting channels to exploit. With its advanced targeting options, you reach the right audience to reach your marketing goals quickly.

One thing is certain, Linkedin brings the most qualified leads, with a conversion rate around 3 to 4 times higher than Facebook Ads. The downside: if misused, you can quickly spend a large (and useless) budget, and especially lose time, without increasing its visibility and performance.

Our LinkedIn Ads expertise

Through research, success, failures and readjustments, our Growth Marketing agency knows exactly what generates results for your business and how it will manage to go beyond your advertising goals while optimizing your returns on investment.

Tracking and analysis

Experts in Linkedin Ads, but also in tracking and reporting. The Linkedin agency sets up everything necessary for your advertising conversion rate to go up well, as well as dashboards to be able to analyze the data and improve what really interests us: the volume of sales generated by Linkedin ads, and the cost per purchase.

Targeting intent

Linkedin Ads allows you to target the audience according to your intention, based on the keywords typed on the search engine.
Different keywords reveal more or less pronounced intentions to maximize the performance of a campaign. We work in depth on your target audience in order to show your most relevant products and services in social ads according to what your audience is looking for.

The right strategy for your sector

The Growth Room agency helps to find the right Linkedin Ads campaign format adapted to the objectives and targeted audience of our clients, according to their budget. The objective: no waste of time and the implementation of a social ads strategy that is well wired up front, corresponding perfectly to your business.


In addition to LinkedIn Ads, multi-lever expertise

Facebook Ads
Google Ads
YouTube Ads
Bing Ads
logo linkedin growth room
LinkedIn Ads
Twitter Ads
Pinterest Ads
Twitch Ads
TikTok Ads

LinkedIn Ads is a powerful and accessible tool for finding qualified customers, others are as well.

LinkedIn has 2 differences compared to other channels such as Facebook Ads or Google Ads: its very high cost per click, and its very good lead qualification. It is therefore important to diversify your acquisition channels.
This is the reason why Growth Room has multi-lever expertise, and will be able to push you to find the relevant channels for your target and your growth.

our promise

Growth Room, more than just a LinkedIn Ads agency

We are not magicians. We are simply using the power of data multiplied by our expertise in Growth Marketing. Here is what we have in addition:

Our pillars

Data & Tracking
Technical expertise

You want results, that's good news: that's our objective.


Our obsession: to bring you value.

No fake testimonies, nothing more authentic than a view in our inbox to know what our companies think of the Growth Room team.

Frequently asked questions about our agency LinkedIn Ads

How do I choose a LinkedIn Ads agency?

What is the budget for a LinkedIn Ads campaign?

What is LinkedIn Ads?

What is the price of a click?

Why LinkedIn Ads?

Are channels like Google Ads or Facebook Ads relevant for me?



So are we working together?