Having an email signature is crucial. Each of your employees must have one, and it must be personalized while remaining consistent with the rest of the team. If you find it difficult to use your email to personalize and format it, or if the result lacks professionalism, don't panic!

HubSpot, the leader in publishing software, offers, in addition to its Academy, a HubSpot signature creation tool, free that will allow you to create signatures in just a few clicks. It is the ideal solution to standardize the email addresses of your employees and obtain a careful and professional result. The best part of it all? You don't even need to know the HTML code. We explain to you how to do it.

What is a free email signature?

The email signature

An email signature is a bit like your electronic business card that you slide at the end of each marketing or non-marketing email that you send, to be recognized.

It is located at the bottom of the email you are writing and if it is set up correctly, it is automatically added to each message you send. Often, it contains essential information such as your name, contact details, even your photo or logo.

Why create a free email signature with Hubspot?

The signature Hubspot offers you a unique opportunity to present yourself to your recipients by revealing your identity, your activity and your position.

It is an effective means of communication to convey your image to those with whom you communicate. Whether with potential prospects, partners or simply your current customers, a well-designed email signature allows you to offer instant visibility and clear information.

It also gives you the opportunity to strengthen your professional image. Every email interaction is an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and leave a memorable impression.

What should you include in your email signature?

Before creating your professional signature, take the time to think about the essential elements you want to convey to your recipients.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the elements that you can include in your email signature:

  • Your first and last name: show yourself under your true identity.
  • Your position and/or activity: clearly specify your role in your company.
  • Your contact information: Add your business contact information such as phone number, address, and email address.
  • Your website: direct your recipients to your website for more information.
  • Your social media profiles: share your links to social networks that are relevant to your business.
  • A profile photo: make your signature more personal by adding a photo of yourself.
  • Your company logo: display your brand and reinforce your visual identity.

Be careful, you need to choose wisely what information you want to share. Protect your privacy and provide only the personal data you need. Keep in mind that too much information can be counterproductive. Opt for relevant and concise information that captures the attention of your recipients.

Create your email signature by integrating your graphic charter

When creating your Hubspot signature, it is essential to take into account your graphic charter if you have one (and I hope so).

Do not choose colors at random, but opt for those that are part of your visual identity. And for those who do not yet have a graphic charter, I recommend that you choose colors in accordance with your field of activity.

Make sure the colors you are using are legible. Avoid too pale yellows that don't stand out well enough on a white background. Leave your “text” information in neutral colors, like black and dark gray. As for the other elements, be consistent and legible, but above all, have fun!

Creating an engaging and unique professional signature is a great way to leave a memorable impression on your recipients. So, combine your creativity with the right colors and make sure that your email signature perfectly reflects your visual identity and personality.

Step by step: create your Hubspot signature

  1. Head over to the Hubspot site and get ready to impress with a professional and striking email signature.
  2. To avoid cluttering up your signature, deactivate the “Hubspot mention” option.
  3. Choose from the 6 available models the one that best fits your style and business.
  4. In the “text” tab, add your essential information such as your name, first name, contact details...
  5. Then go to the email personalization tab. Let your creativity run wild by choosing consistent and legible colors for the elements of your signature.
  6. In the final tab, add the images that best represent you. Opt for a high-quality .jpeg profile photo and a logo in .png format.

Optionally, you can also add a CTA button to give real impact to your signature. Remember to keep your message simple and to the point.

Once you are happy with your creation, click the button at the bottom of the page to “create the signature.” Validate the latest information requested by Hubspot and that's it! You've just created your free email signature like a pro!

Then, Hubspot offers you several options for integrating your signature. You can copy it, copy its source code, or add it directly to email clients like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and Apple Mail. A mini tutorial is available on the site to guide you through this step.

To add a photo (and/or a logo) to your email signature, here's how to do it with Hubspot:

  1. If you have a WordPress website, start by adding your image to your media. Then, copy the image link (the file URL) and simply paste it into Hubspot. It's as easy as that!
  2. If you don't have a website yet, don't worry, Hubspot has thought of everything. It allows you to upload your images to your Dropbox or Google Drive. Then, simply copy and paste the image link into Hubspot. Easy!

Whether you have a WordPress site or not, you can quickly add your images to your email signature and make your communication even more powerful. So don't forget to personalize your signature with attractive and professional visuals!

How do I add my Hubspot signature to Gmail?

Here are the steps to follow to integrate your Hubspot signature into your Gmail account:

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account.
  2. At the top right of your inbox, click on the cogwheel icon, then select “Settings.”
  3. In the settings window, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show All Settings.”
  4. Stay in the “General” tab and scroll almost to the end of the page. In the “Signature” section, click “Create” and give your signature a name.
  5. On the Hubspot site, choose the “Copy Signature” option, then paste it into the text box corresponding to Gmail's signature settings.
  6. Make sure you set “Default Signature Values” for “New Emails” and “Replies and Forwards” (otherwise, the signature will not be displayed correctly).
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the Gmail settings page and click “Save Changes.”

By following these simple steps, you can integrate your Hubspot signature into your Gmail account and enjoy professional and personalized communication! Remember to save your changes for the signature to be active.

If you are hesitant to get started or want a support on the implementation of Hubspot, you can Contact one of our experts on the subject.

If you want to learn on your own, sign up for our free Hubspot training !