If you are a B2B company, lead generation (or Lead Generation) is the most important element in the growth of your business, without any doubt.

For this, there are numerous acquisition channels that you can activate. 19 in total (source: Traction book).

In these 19 lead generation channels, there are obviously offline channels (trade shows or the network for example), but also and especially digital channels that you can activate more easily. Zoom on one of these channels.

Lead generation: what does it consist of?

Lead generation or lead generation therefore consists in generating interest from people who can subscribe to your product or service.

The action that this person generally takes is to fill out a contact form to obtain a document, register or book an appointment.

In this form, she usually leaves her email or phone number, which is when this contact becomes a lead.

To do this, in B2B, we will generally target profiles who are “decision makers”. That is to say profiles that are likely to be interested and in addition to making the decision themselves.

Lead generation: the main digital channels

In digital, there are certain channels that will be very relevant for you:

  • Ads on media networks to generate leads : Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads. They bring more or less qualified leads depending on the audience and the channel, with a controlled cost.
  • Prospecting rather written by message, using LinkedIn or Cold Emailing. Once we have a base with our targets, which we will generally build up via scrapping on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, the goal is to send messages en masse and in a hyper-personalized way.

Why use a lead generation agency?

Lead generation agencies make it possible to activate one or more of these channels in order to increase the volume of incoming leads.

Agencies generally have 2 advantages:

1/ They are senior on the subject and have well-established processes allowing you to go faster in setting up and managing the various campaigns.

2/ They are generally less expensive than a busy salary: that is, if your objective was to hire one or more people to set up these acquisition channels internally.

What place does lead generation have in your overall marketing strategy?

If the process is proven, and brings results, these are acquisition channels that can bring you a lot of value:

  • Qualified leads (since targeted)
  • In the case of digital prospecting: no media budget spent, which is not the case for Facebook Ads (you can find the Top 5 best Facebook Ads agencies), Google Ads, or LinkedIn Ads.
  • Scalable: as leads can arrive regularly, you also have the possibility to modulate your sending frequency (email) or your budget (ads) to anticipate the number of leads you want to receive. This is generally very interesting depending on the evolution of your sales team and the time you have to give to incoming leads.
  • If your target is large, and you have an interesting average basket, there is a good chance that it will be very profitable.

Now that you understand the relevance of lead generation, and why it might be interesting to use a lead generation agency: how do you choose the right one?

We wrote you a top 5 lead generation agencies so you can choose the one that best fits your business.

Growth Room : the most successful lead generation agency

Growth Room, lead generation agency

Growth Room is a lead generation agency that was created in 2020. She has since supported more than 200 companies in setting up an efficient lead generation process.

Growth Room has the main areas of expertise for generating leads:

What makes Growth Room customers happy:

  • Lead generation requires being an expert on several steps, Growth Room has worked to master everything to perfection: qualitative database scrapping, de-duplication so as not to contact decision-makers you already have in your databases, copywriting including best practices, automations, data analysis based on the experience of their campaign already carried out.
  • Technical tools : to control lead generation, we use the best tools on the market, allowing us to have a precise and efficient process.
  • The team : lead generation can sometimes seem opaque, and difficult to understand because it is technical. We make a point of being in constant communication in order to properly explain the steps, make projections of results, do pedagogy on the subject, or even train the teams at the end of our support.

Some results and testimonies that demonstrate their performance:

Cold email campaign for EKIP
Nature Trail Ads Campaigns

Cold email campaign for Fleurs d'Ici

Notable customers:

  • veolia
  • Manomano
  • Prestashop

Comexplorer: the oldest agency

Comexplorer lead generation agency

Comexplorer is an agency specialized in lead generation, they have 6 offers: ads, content marketing, emailing, CRM, inbound and Marketing Automation.

Their team supports customers in the transformation of their marketing and sales, to make their digital ecosystem a “lead machine”.

Notable customers:

  • Cocoon
  • IDS media
  • MCR

Dekuple: the lead generation agency specialized in ABM

Dekuple, agency specialized in lead generation by ABM

Dekuple is a lead generation agency that offers their clients advice and support services. They oscillate between consulting firm, and agency that executes. In particular, they use ABM: Account based marketing
Their consulting missions focus on the definition and implementation of “marketing to sales” digital strategies, here are their various offers:

• Lead Generation
• Nurturing key accounts (ABM)
• Content platforms
• B2B social media
• Audits: customer journey and definition of personas

Notable customers:

  • Enablon
  • Mercer
  • Primagaz

ReCom: specialized in call centers

ReCom is a lead generation agency that uses telemarketing to conduct B2B commercial prospecting. It therefore offers comprehensive services based in particular on telephone prospecting to increase customer awareness and gain new customers effectively. To conduct telephone prospecting, ReCom builds their databases themselves, and enriches them with telephone numbers.

Notable customers:

  • Lobster
  • Securalliance
  • CAE Group

Hellocode: technical lead generation agency

Hello Code is a web agency based in Saint-Etienne, which has started to develop its own B2B lead generation offer for its customers. She therefore has web and design expertise that can also be interesting at first to set up her supports (website, design, branding).

Notable customers:

  • The car clinic
  • Proprint
  • Viva Energie

This article is a top 5, so we are forgetting a few that are certainly relevant for you. What is certain is that for a company in need of growth, lead generation through ads, emailing or LinkedIn can certainly become your best acquisition channel (and especially the most profitable).

To generate leads, you can also activate only Google Ads. For that, you can consult our Top 5 best Google Ads agencies to guide you in your choice!