Build an effective PR campaign in 7 emails.

A series of 7 short and concise emails, to effectively succeed in your press campaign, build the credibility of your brand and bring regular traffic.

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Press relations: one of the best acquisition channels.

Generate regular traffic, reputation, credibility, all for free... PR can become your best acquisition lever if they are well managed.

All businesses try it, few do it well.

Many businesses do PR in the same way they do prospecting. Scrapping journalists, emailing your problem... The results speak for themselves: 0 responses, and 0 articles.

The keys to generating the interest of journalists.

Journalists receive between 30 and 40 emails from companies per day. Marine, former journalist and communication manager at Growth Room, gives you step-by-step instructions on how to make a difference and generate results: press articles that talk about you.

  • Free and concrete.
  • Content that is easy to digest. Never more than 5 minutes of reading!
  • We are going to teach you how to set up a relevant campaign that brings results, not how to do something “quick and dirty”.
  • All this, based on concrete cases that we experience on a daily basis with the companies that Growth Room supports.

Program of the course

  • Email 1. How to build an effective PR campaign
  • Email 2. Be well prepared to perform 🎯
  • Email 3. Collecting journalists' contacts
  • Email 4. Write a powerful and adapted email for a journalist 💻
  • Email 5. Writing an effective press release 📝
  • Email 6. The art of CTAs and relaunch
  • Email 7 (end). Maximize your post-campaign
  • BONUS : We deliver ready-to-use templates in emails, it's a gift.

Who are we?

We are an agency of experts in Growth Marketing. We have helped over a hundred businesses develop and execute their growth strategies.

Here we give you a concentrate of all the expertise acquired during these experiences so that you too can push the growth of your business to the maximum.

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