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Growth ads

Trouvez toujours plus de clients qualifiés grâce à nos campagnes média Ads millimétrées.

Nous créons et pilotons vos campagnes médias Ads sur Facebook Ads, Google SEA et les autres plateformes afin de démultiplier vos ventes en touchant plus de clients qualifiés.
logos partenaires media ads : g

They trust us with their growth.


In addition to Facebook Ads and Google Ads, multi-lever expertise

Facebook Ads
Google Ads
YouTube Ads
Bing Ads
logo linkedin growth room
LinkedIn Ads
Twitter Ads
Pinterest Ads
Twitch Ads
TikTok Ads

Facebook Ads, Google Ads are powerful and accessible tools for finding qualified customers.

A lot of businesses create their own campaigns, but few do it well. To achieve good performance, it is essential to know how to handle these tools and use the data wisely. In addition, knowing how to master the relevant levers to create your other acquisition channels is a significant plus.


Example of an acquisition funnel

our promise

Growth Room, more than just an Ads media agency

We are not magicians. We are simply using the power of data multiplied by our expertise in Growth Marketing. Here is what we have in addition:

Our pillars

Data & Tracking
Technical expertise
our phases

What would our Ads media support look like?

Audit + Objectives
Understand where you are starting from, define where you are going
We start by talking to you to get to know your business, brand, and offerings. During this phase, we audit your activity with our tools that allow us to quickly understand your data.

For example, we analyze the statistics of your online activity such as the conversion rate or the cost of acquisition. Thanks to this audit, we can set goals and start to find relevant acquisition levers.
Measurement + configuration
Set up tracking tools
We install, configure and take charge of the appropriate tracking tools. We build tailor-made dashboards so that you can see the evolution of all relevant performance indicators.

This phase is important, because we will be able to closely monitor your results once the campaigns are launched and optimize them in real time, in a millimeter manner.
Create and manage media campaigns
We create, launch and manage your media campaigns on defined acquisition channels. Here, the objective is simple: to reach and exceed your sales figures.

We use platforms adapted to your goals and audiences: Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Linkedin Ads, Twitter Ads, Snapchat Ads, TikTok Ads, TikTok Ads, TikTok Ads, Pinterest Ads, etc.
Analysis + Optimization
Analyze and optimize campaigns for more ROI
We analyze the results of media campaigns and interpret the data to optimize performance.

This last phase allows us to focus more on the campaigns that work best, and to improve or remove those that work less well.

In addition, we are in a position to optimize the various aspects of advertising according to data and find scalability, to find even more qualified customers, while maintaining an efficient ROI.

You want results, that's good news: that's our objective.


Our obsession: to bring you value.

No fake testimonies, nothing more authentic than a view in our inbox to know what our companies think of the Growth Room team.



So are we working together?