optimize hubspot

Use your Hubspot CRM to 100% and increase your sales performance tenfold.

Save time in the sales process, increase the transformation of each prospect, improve the retention and nurturing of each of your customers: Growth Room experts help you propel your growth, thanks to your CRM.

The Growth Room methodology to get the most out of your Hubspot CRM

Here are our 4 successive phases of work. Average time: between 3 and 7 weeks.



Audit your Hubspot processes and uses



Customized mapping design to be implemented



Operational implementation



Training your team

Analysis of your Hubspot

Before optimizing, you need to understand and have an overall vision. First, we analyze your commercial processes, your lead processing, your CRM structure by putting them in relation to your business challenges. What would be the most efficient pipeline for you? How do you qualify an MQL? What information is required for the proper segmentation of an SQL? What are your most time-consuming tasks? The audit will answer, among other things, these questions and will open up a CRM and business strategy.

Mapping the path of your customers on Hubspot

Visualizing your new funnel is essential. This makes it possible to understand all acquisition sources, the different phases of intervention by marketing and sales teams, automations and nurturing loops. In short, the heart of your reactor.

And, of course, the implementation of this funnel.

Once the CRM business strategy and the mapping have been validated, our team takes care of implementing all these new uses and workflows in your CRM. By taking the time to explain each change to you so that you understand each integration.

The Growth Room bonus: training

No black box with Growth Room.We are aware that having a perfectly configured CRM is not everything. Your teams must adopt it and know how to use it. This is why we will carry out one or more training courses in the form of a workshop in order to desecrate the CRM part, and so that your entire team can use it effectively.



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