Build a segmented campaign, to generate qualified leads.

Digital prospecting training: a series of 6 short and concise emails, to learn how to build a segmented campaign bringing qualified leads. Free, and no bullshit.

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Every business wants to generate leads, few have results.

There are countless services or products that allow you to “generate leads quickly”.

When you get started, the results are meager. Why? Several reasons, starting with your segmentation.

We deal with these topics for you on this digital prospecting training.

Based on a concrete case is even better.

At Growth Room, we've taken care of B2B lead generation for 100+ businesses.
We will base this mini-series on one of our campaigns that worked best, by taking each step, so that you can be inspired and perform.

  • Free and concrete.
  • Content that is easy to digest. Never more than 5 minutes of reading!
  • We are going to teach you how to set up sturdy and durable things. We're not here to talk to you about “hacks” that don't solidly support growth.
  • All this, based on concrete cases that we experience on a daily basis with the companies that Growth Room supports.
  • Bonus resources

Digital prospecting training program

  • Email 1: Background + Segmentation and Target Identification 🎯
  • Email 2: Scrapping: How to recover data from your targets 🤖
  • Email 3: De-duplication and import into the CRM: What are the methods to properly deduplicate your databases? 🧹
  • Email 4: The art of copywriting: how to write emails that perform 📩
  • Email 5: How you should set up a cold emailing tool (LemList) ⚙️
  • Email 6: How to automate your tasks to save time. 🚀

Frequently asked questions about this digital prospecting training

What is the objective of Growth Room's digital prospecting training?

How is digital prospecting training structured?

Who is this training for?

How does training help develop an effective digital prospecting strategy?

Is it possible to receive all the lead generation training at once?

I don't have the time and/or the skills to set up digital prospecting, can you do it for me?