Test, iterate until you prove your Product/Market Fit.

Growth Marketing brings concrete value to your performance and growth. But it's a broad field, you only get results when you master each specificity.

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Test, iterate until you prove your Product/Market Fit.

A series of 7 short and concise emails, to learn how to test and prove if your product/service is generating real traction.
Free, and no bullshit.

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Do not start without testing.

Launching a product or a feature, without having tested its traction before on the market, is like participating in the world championship in any discipline, without training.

Product/Market Fit, the Holy Grail.

In this email training, you will learn how to test to prove your Product/Market Fit. Namely, the signal where you understand that your product meets a real need and that it is worth putting more time/budget into it.

  • Free and concrete.
  • Content that is easy to digest. Never more than 5 minutes of reading!
  • We are going to teach you how to set up sturdy and durable things. We're not here to talk to you about “hacks” that don't solidly support growth.
  • All this, based on concrete cases that we experience on a daily basis with the companies that Growth Room supports.
  • Bonus resources!

Program of the course

  • Email 1 : Test, iterate, until you find your Product Market/Fit
  • Email 2 : Define the goals to be achieved
  • Email 3 : Understand our potential target in order to better reach it
  • Email 4 : Building your Landing Page effectively.
  • Email 5 : Let's go find your first users!
  • Email 6 : An army of ambassadors who make purchases for you.
  • Email 7 : Analysis of your Product Market Fit.

Who are we?

We are an agency of experts in Growth Marketing. We have helped over a hundred businesses develop and execute their growth strategies.

Here we give you a concentrate of all the expertise acquired during these experiences so that you too can push the growth of your business to the maximum.

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What is the Growth Lab?
The Growth Lab is a 100% online platform to allow you and your teams to increase their skills and then become autonomous in the various Growth Marketing verticals: Media campaigns, copywriting, scrapping, lead generation...
Who is behind the Growth Lab?
The Growth Lab is a training tool offered by Growth Room, an agency of experts in Growth Marketing. We have helped over a hundred businesses develop and execute their growth strategies.
The Growth Lab contains the experience of our 100+ supported companies.
Over the course of our experiences, we have developed qualitative content that allows everyone to master the basics of Growth Marketing, on each of its verticals.