Are you spending too much time building lead files? Know that you can automate this task. In the video below, we'll show you how you can automate your digital prospecting with Zapier.

At Growth Room, task automation is essential. And for good reason: by automating certain repetitive actions, we can thus focus and invest 100% of our energy on tasks with high added value.

Automation makes it possible to improve productivity.

Adding an event to your CRM, downloading email attachments, receiving a Slack notification when a lead is interested, etc. There are a hundred possible automations. And among them, of course, there is also the automation of its digital prospecting. Yes, it is entirely possible to automate this task. That's what we're going to see here 😉

Zapier, an essential automation tool

First of all, note that there are a lot of tools dedicated to automation.

You have those that allow you to automate tasks on sites. Example with social networks (Twitter, LinkedIn) on which it is not always possible (in theory) to automate certain actions such as adding comments. The best known tool is Phantombuster.

We then find tools that allow tools to be connected to each other. These are called “connectors.” Among them: Integromat,, or Captain Data.

The most popular one here is Zapier. We are going to use it for this tutorial 😉

What is Zapier?

You have probably already heard about it: Zapier allows you to connect several applications together, in order to create automation scenarios.

The tool now has more than 3,000 applications, and in each of them there are multiple actions to be automated.

Among these applications: Gmail, HubSpot, Mailchimp, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, Google, Google Drive, Google Drive, YouTube, Slack, AirTable, Evernot, Salesforce, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Webflow, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, WordPress, Google Drive, Google Drive, Google Drive, YouTube, Slack,

Zapier is pretty easy to use, and even with the free version, you can do a lot of things; up to 100 automated actions per month. And it's already not bad to start!

How does Zapier work?

As mentioned above, Zapier allows you to connect several applications together.

Let's say you want to automatically add the contact of someone who downloaded your ebook to your newsletter mailing list. Zapier will connect your site (Webflow for example) to your email sending platform (Sendinblue). It's as simple as that. You won't have to do anything!

We tell you a bit more in our article Code-less automation. This one is in English 🇬🇧

Automation: a bit of vocabulary

Before we get to the heart of the matter - How to automate your digital prospecting with Zapier - a bit of vocabulary. If you've never automated tasks, this will help you better understand what's next 😉

An automation works like this:

  • An application A that will communicate with an application B. Webflow example with Sendinblue. In some cases, application B will communicate with application C, etc. It is possible to connect several apps.
  • A trigger that is called a trigger. This may be the completion of a form.
  • An action taken: adding the user to his email list
  • An automation scenario (a Zap on Zapier) that constitutes a workflow.

Why set up automated prospecting?

In the digital age in which we live, optimizing and streamlining the commercial prospecting process is no longer an option, it is a necessity. Automated prospecting comes to the rescue to get there. But what does that mean exactly, and more importantly, why should you incorporate it into your growth strategy? In this part of our article dedicated to automated prospecting with Zapier, we will explore these questions.

What is automated prospecting?

Automated prospecting, as its name suggests, refers to the use of technological tools to automate part or all of the prospecting process. This can range from looking for prospects to sending prospecting emails to qualifying leads. The aim? Maximize your efficiency and minimize the time you spend on repetitive tasks.

The advantages of automated prospecting

This is where the true value of automated prospecting is revealed. Imagine the number of hours you could devote to higher value-added activities if you could free your team from these monotonous and tedious tasks. It's like having an army of salespeople working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition, automated prospecting guarantees consistency in your prospecting efforts. Delivering a consistent message to your target audience is essential, and automating this process ensures that consistency. Plus, it gives you the ability to test different messages and approaches to see what works best, all without having to invest human energy into them.

But it doesn't end there. By using tools like Zapier, you can not only automate your prospecting, but also integrate it with other aspects of your business. For example, you can connect your prospecting tool with your CRM to automatically update your lead information, or with your email marketing tool to send targeted messages based on the actions of your prospects.

Ultimately, setting up automated prospecting is a crucial step for any business that wants to grow and thrive in today's digital landscape. It's a strategy that maximizes efficiency, ensures consistency, frees up time for more important tasks, and allows for seamless integration with other aspects of your business.

So, if you haven't started automating your prospecting yet, it's time to take the plunge. And with tools like Zapier at your disposal, there's really no excuse for not doing it.

Automated prospecting with Zapier: video tutorial

After this brief introduction, now let's get down to business.

We are going to explain to you how to use Zapier to set up your automated digital prospecting.

To do this, David, our B2B expert, shows you this in this video:

Need to boost your digital prospecting? We support you in creating and optimizing a system that sends qualified prospects to your sales teams, continuously and semi-automatically. Do not hesitate to consult our offer Growth Outbound.