Your site is generating organic traffic, but your visitors are not converting. Never mind: you can always try to convert them.

In this article, we explain how to identify visitors to your site and how to then target them via a semi-automated digital prospecting system. In short, without advertising.

Let's imagine. Robert works for a company X. He has a problem and would like to solve it. Like everyone else, he searches the Internet to find the best solution and - because you've done your job well - comes across your website. He visits your site, discovers your product or service, reads your beautiful pages attentively... And wow! He is leaving.

Whatever his reason is, don't let him slip away like that.

You have two options:

  • Do advertising retargeting (or retargeting). The technique consists in showing him one or more advertising messages on Facebook Ads for example.
  • Contact him directly by email or by message on LinkedIn. Yes, it is entirely possible to do this. And that's what we're going to see in this article 😉

Precision of great importance: it is difficult to precisely target a visitor (data protection requires). With this approach, the idea is to target the company he works for instead.

Identifying and targeting site visitors: the 5-step method

This method is inspired by that of The Growth Machine : How to boost your lead conversion rate by 18.5%?

Step 1: Identify visitors to your site

Of course, the first step will be to find out who visited your website.

But how do I identify my visitors?

To do this, you can rely on several tools such as:

These tools are quite intuitive. You don't need to have a lot of technical knowledge to install and use them.

To make this method easier to understand, let's take Leadfeeder.

It shows the businesses that are visiting your site, and tells you how they found you and what they are interested in. Pretty good.

The tool offers a free offer called Lite, which allows you to see leads over the last 7 days, and an offer starting at €79 per month. The latter gives access to all the functionalities.

We installed Leadfeeder on our site. Here's what it looks like:

Leadfeeder, un outil pour identifier les entreprises qui visitent son site Internet

For privacy reasons, we've hidden businesses 😉

Step 2. Filter interesting businesses

It's good to see the businesses that visit your site. But not all of them are interesting for you. So here you will have to filter them out. Luckily, Leadfeeder offers this possibility via triggers. You can filter by sector, business size, traffic, revenue, etc.

Leadfeeder, un outil pour identifier les entreprises qui visitent son site Internet

Step 3. Send your segment (audience)

The next step is to send your segment (audience) to CaptainData, Phantombuster or Google Sheet.

The choice of tool will depend on your marketing strategy.

If you want to send it to your SDR 👉 Google Sheet database

If you want to exploit this audience in outbound 👉 Phantombuster

To do this, simply create a small automation with Zapier or Integromat.

Here we opted for Zapier, a tool that you can also use to automate your digital prospecting.

Step 4. Scraping

Now that we have our base, we will have to scrape the lead of each company. Sales, CEO, CMO, HR, etc. It's up to you to see according to your personas. At Growth Room, for example, we target CEOs.

To scrape, several tools are available to you: Phantombuster, Instant Data Scraper, Web Scraper or Octoparse. Choose the one that works best for you.

We used Phantombuster and specified that we wanted to have at least 2 employees for each company.

Phantombuster permet de scraper les leads des entreprises qui ont visité votre site.

Step 5. Start a multi-channel campaign

The final step is to contact the leads.

First, visit your lead's LinkedIn profile.

Two scenarios:

If professional email is available: send an email. “Hello (first name), I saw that a person at (Company Name) visited our website (link). Is that you?”

There's no need to do curvature. Get right to the point. Since the question is open and quite surprising, you should have an answer. Then it's up to you to start the conversation. If the answer is “No,” specify that someone in their company was interested in you and introduce yourself more. If one of his colleagues was interested in your business, he certainly had some interest in your business.

If not, add the person and send them the same message. Avoid asking him the question in the addition request.

Requesting an addition without a grade allows for a better acceptance rate. This statement must of course be correlated with its market and its target. Most of the time, you will have to A/B test on an identical volume to get an idea of whether to include a note when requesting an addition no.

So this process is pretty good isn't it?

It's up to you to play now!

If you need to boost your prospecting, our experts are there for you. We support you in creating and optimizing a system that sends qualified prospects to your sales teams, continuously and semi-automatically. Do not hesitate to consult our offer Growth Outbound.