If you are here, it's because you want to improve your email campaigns. At the right time! In this article, we tell you about the essentials for successful emailing campaigns and we show you some of our best prospecting emails to transform your leads into customers.

The essentials for successful emailing campaigns

The key to a strategy emailing is based on 5 fundamentals, namely:

👉 Knowledge of the targets and their needs

You must perfectly Know your audience. Here, we talk about knowing their problems, habits, role in the company, sociological profile, expectations and pain points. To answer these questions, nothing better than creating buyer personae.

👉 Copywriting skills

The Copywriting is the art of writing to engage and convince without forcing a sale. In other words, you are turning words into revenue and prospects into customers. Fortunately, anyone can learn this skill, with resources and practice. So don't panic if you're not ready yet.

Our advice : follow newsletters from copywriting gurus. Our favorites are those of Stan Leloup and Marketing Examples.

emails efficaces

copywriting email

👉 Consistency of content

The content of your emails should be consistent, both in content and form. In other words, the email should have a compelling email subject, a clear core message, and a recognizable design.

The editorial line must stand out and be adapted to each stage of the marketing funnel.

👉 Qualified contact base

Segmenting your contacts according to their profiles and expectations improves the performance of your campaigns. Content personalization and good management of your databases are essential for a optimal email deliverability and a user experience centered on the prospect or the customer. Segmented campaigns can significantly increase revenue.

👉 Email testing and optimizations

Constant analysis and optimization are also essential. If you want to convert through your email campaigns, you simply have no choice! For example, we talk about varying email subjects, analyzing the performance of content, and making adjustments based on the results.

Now let's get down to business. Here are 7 concrete examples of emails sent by our outbound experts that are a hit..

7 examples of emails that really work

emailing prospection

Hi ({FirstName)),

((companyName)} did not make it into the top 10/20 brands in the sector

findustrv)} in terms of reach/interaction for the month of January...

This table comes from CAMPAYGN, the SaaS platform of the YKONE group. In addition

to be able to monitor all the influence operations of your competitors by

In real time, CAMPAYGN allows you to find and contact new people

influencers (certified by the ARPP, of course), anticipate the impact of your

campaigns and measure them concretely post-launch.

Curious to know your place in this top?

If you are free {{j+2)}, we can call us at 11:30am or 3:00pm. If you are not

Not available, I'll let you book a meeting here

Good day,



campagne emailing

Hello to the whole team at (CompanyName})

Do you think that this type of product can appeal to your customers?

Should I send you the price list?

I can offer you a table at an exhibition price to test the market.



mail prospection

Hi ({FirstName},

Delighted to meet you. I am writing to you because we are producing and post-producing

films & stills in France and the United States in the fields of Beauty, Luxury and

of Fashion (Louis Vuitton, YSL, YSL, L'Occitane, Maybelline) and I think we should

to know.

XXX's offices are based in Paris, New York, and Los Angeles.

Would you be available to discuss your future projects, especially for your

filming with your muses at “{companyName])?

See you soon,


prospection email

Hello ((FirstName]),

You have a long list of customers to manage on a daily basis, while your dream

Was it just drawing crazy things as a kid?

We can help you refocus on your area of genius: creation.

Our job at XXX is to help you develop the websites of your

customers under Webflow: in addition to integrating your pixel-perfect designs, we take care of

also from the project management and customer relationship part.

In other words, we translate customer needs into a very clear brief, you

your magic, then we manage the A/R with the customer while defending your point of

artistic view.

For an overview of our own genius zone, click here.

Are we discussing D+2 in the afternoon?

Good day,


email prospection efficace

Hey ((FirstName)),

Congratulations on reaching 500 employees! ((CompanyName)) is leading a

Well-Rounded Business and It Shows!

I can imagine your workload must be directly impacted as a Car Fleet Manager.

More employees = more cars to handle! And if you're dealing with long term rental,

I am sure you have experienced 'surprise' fees when handling back cars to your

leaser. Haven't you?

Lucky for you, after managing 10,000+ vehicles across Europe, we're currently

Expanding our network to the US. On average, we help our partners save up to

50% on refund costs.

Worth a cat?

What about jumping on a 15' minute call ({Today+2}} at 2:15?

Have a good one,


Good ((Morning/Afternoon)} ({FirstName)),

How are you handling material sourcing and sampling today as an interior


Does it feel like a task taking all your time away and preventing you from focusing

Our creation and design?

XXX Saves You Time by Allowing You to Search for Materials Across 225+

leading brands on one site. Order samples by 5:30pm and receive everything in

One box the next morning.

Oh! And it's costless for all design professionals, you can just sign up here.



PS: Usually there's a waitlist to join, but if you let me know you signed up, I can

Make sure you skip the line, and you'll be approved right away!

Hello ({FirstName)], how are you today?

I see on your website you partnered with ((competitor)} for managing your web


It's a safe choice, I should say, but I know for sure:

  1. It does not provide sufficient backup plans, according to former customers.
  2. It doesn't support [name company].
  3. And It Wouldn't Be Available Worldwide If You Were To Expand, Say In The UK

or in France.

In the past months, we've helped Adobe and Pinterest reduce infrastructure

resource and workflow costs by 50%. Click here if you're curious to see how we

Managed to do so.

Open to Reviewing Another Option?

Let Me Know


There you go: feel free to copy them or get inspired by them! 😉

Otherwise, being a good copywriter is good, but you still have to find the time to manage your prospecting. That's exactly what we do at Growth Room. THEOutbound team is in charge of propelling your digital prospecting through a tailor-made lead generation process.