With the aspiration of new generations of Tiktok and its potential for high virality, it is legitimate to ask whether it is better to start on Tiktok Ads and abandon Facebook Ads.

Not so fast! Admittedly, Tiktok ads are interesting but Facebook is no less efficient! And at the end of the day, these two advertising networks are quite complementary. We take stock to help you choose the best for your business.

Facebook Ads vs Tiktok Ads: what's the difference?

Tiktok Ads and Facebook Ads have quite similar features and user experience. However, these advertising channels are certainly different.

Facebook Ads vs Tiktok Ads advertising formats

On Facebook Ads:

👉 You can choose ad formats like photos, videos, carousels, or slideshows for your advertising campaign.

👉 Facebook Ads favors high quality or retouched images.

⭐️ The expert opinion : creations require, however, less work than on Tiktok Ads because simple formats (especially static formats) work well.

On Tiktok Ads:

👉 There are several TikTok formats for your advertising campaign but only in video (Native Ads, TopView, Spark).

👉 Tiktok Ads is generally aimed at younger targets. You must therefore provide creations that are adapted and different from those of Facebook Ads. It is more of an influential medium, because static creations perform less well than on Facebook Ads.

👉 The visuals to be pushed on Tiktok must be specific to the platform and cannot be used on other levers. The downside: as Tiktok pushes more unique creations dedicated to the platform, there is a risk of limiting their visibility if they are used elsewhere.

👉 TikTok Ads favors natural content, without retouching, with short videos that promote instantaneity

TikTok Ads for our customer EVA

Tiktok Ads vs Facebook Ads targeting

On Facebook Ads:

👉 Targeting is broader. You are sure to target a fairly large panel of BtoC players with your content thanks to their interests.

On Tiktok Ads:

👉 The social network has a large amount of data on its users. As the videos on Tiktok are ultra-short, the consumption of video content is significant in a short period of time. As a result, the app also quickly and precisely identifies what they are interested in. So you can optimize your advertising campaigns even more. Your targeting strategy can seek audiences who have already visited your website, signed up for a landing page, or interacted with your TikTok posts.

👉 Tiktok Ads allows you to target CSP+ personas, which boosts the average basket and therefore profitability!

👉 The list of interests is smaller but you can add keywords, and specific terms that users are looking for.

The cost of Facebook Ads and Tiktok Ads

Whether it's Facebook Ads or Tiktok Ads, advertising costs can vary dramatically.

On Facebook Ads:

👉 Costs change based on targeting, ad format, and content location. You have a great deal of flexibility! Facebook Ads is aimed at startups with a limited budget as well as businesses with a large budget.

On Tiktok Ads:

👉 Clicking on the advertising network is generally cheaper than on Facebook Ads, so you save money.

⭐️ The expert opinion: Be careful, the preferred platform really depends on the audience you are targeting rather than on its cost! Its demographics should be taken into account to make your decision. For example, Tiktok has a user base between the ages of 18 and 44. That is to say, if your persona is in this age group, Tiktok is a good choice (87% of its users are between 18 and 44 years old.).

Facebook Ads vs Tiktok Ads: the pluses and the minuses

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are still worth it in 2024. Moreover, it remains a leader in the targeting and analysis of Facebook Ads.

Why should you start using Facebook Ads?

👉 If you want to target a large audience that often uses the social network to make purchases (more than 1 billion monthly active users on Facebook stores).

The negative point:

👉 Facebook engagement is down slightly. The advertising industry is no longer as appealing to younger generations, in particular because of less innovative formats and content and the proliferation of advertisements.

Tiktok Ads

TikTok Ads for our client Le Chemin de la Nature

Tiktok Ads has become an interesting platform for businesses in a short time thanks to its creative ads and its high engagement rate.

Why should you start using Tiktok Ads?

👉 If you want to reach a young and engaged audience that uses Tiktok to follow trends and discover new products.

👉 If you are a small business and want to increase your chances of going viral quickly (engagement, traffic, sales, downloads, etc.).

👉 If you want to create a link with your audience and make your community grow.

The negative point:

👉 Tiktok Ads offers fewer options for targeting, tracking, and measuring ad performance than Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads or Tiktok Ads: how to make the best choice?

Deciding which platform is more effective than the other is relatively complicated. In concrete terms, everything depends on your commercial goals, your personas, and your ads budget.

In our experience, you should not see them as competitors but rather as complementary agencies in your customer acquisition strategy.

Each has its pros and cons, so it's best to focus on the different stages of your sales funnel to determine which is the best option.

For example, Tiktok is interesting at the beginning of the sales funnel to generate interest in your business and reach a large audience. Facebook, for its part, is more relevant in the middle of the funnel to target a more specific audience and trigger specific action.

That said, regardless of your strategy, Tiktok remains a network that is evolving a lot (formats, marketing trends). Moreover, what happens on Facebook often comes from what is created on Tiktok.

In summary, if you combine these two platforms by taking advantage of the awareness and awareness-raising power on Facebook, and by driving engagement and conversion on TikTok, your business will certainly be able to achieve its acquisition goals with an excellent ROI.

To do this well, you may need to turn to an expert in advertising campaign management. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it!