The Growth Hacking is a new term that you might be hearing a lot lately. It's going to get more and more popular, so if you're not entirely sure what a Growth Marketing agency is or does, we're going to explain everything to you.

What is a Growth Hacking Agency?

A Growth Marketing Agency is a partner whose main objective is to help your business grow. In 2023, most Growth agencies will be focused on digital. Unlike digital marketing agencies that specialized in one aspect of digital marketing, Growth Marketing agencies are beginning to emerge by working on 2 other verticals: data and technology.

A Growth agency will review and improve all aspects of your digital and traditional marketing methods, but with a view to growth Global. She will take all strategic marketing and sales steps with the intention of developing every aspect of your business from the ground up.

Vertical data: each time a campaign is implemented, it must be measured, analyzed, and understood how to optimize it in order to maximize ROI (return on investment)

Technical vertical: a Growth Marketing agency is not a web development agency, but it knows how to use tools that will optimize and automate campaigns that work, or even set up technical projects with developers.

Like a Growth Marketing Agency invests a lot in its customers, the best tend to specialise on one or 2 specialties (example) Growth Ads on the media side, and Growth Outbound (on the digital prospecting side)

What does a Growth Hacking agency do?

A well-structured Growth Agency will help you grow your business in any way possible. This includes - but is not limited to - support in the following areas:

  • Activating sales
  • Marketing and Sales Alignment
  • Optimized advertising on PPC and social media
  • Optimal inbound and outbound marketing strategy (ranging from content marketing to email flows)
  • Website design and optimization. Your website is obviously a lead generation tool!
  • Account Management

In a nutshell, the role of a Growth Hacking agency is to partner with your sales and marketing teams to generate more qualified prospects, maintain them effectively and help you close with the prospects you want for growth strategic, targeted and global of the company.

How do I choose the right Growth Hacking agency?

An agency that is entirely dedicated to your growth and to your attainment, it's pretty good. If you're considering hiring a Growth agency to help boost your marketing and sales efforts, and grow your business overall, here are a few things to keep in mind as you search:

Find a team that specializes in your industry

As we already mentioned, the work of a Growth Marketing agency is quite important. She is focused on growing an entire business that is not even hers. There is a lot to follow and a lot to remember. You need someone who understands your sector, your target buyers and the ins and outs of your processes.

Most quality growth agencies focus on only two or three sectors, in order to be able to offer the best possible service. Find a growth agency who has already worked with companies like yours, or at least in your sector. This will give you a head start when you start working together and growing.

Look for numbers and measures

Growth Hacking agencies should operate primarily on the basis of numbers. Once they know where your business is at, they need to be able to offer real and specific goals for your shared future. They should set goals such as:

  • How many leads are they going to try to get, in a specific period of time, like the next six months or the following year.
  • How many of these leads will be converted into sales opportunities?
  • And how many of these opportunities will turn into customers?

Many growth marketing agencies refer to these goals as goals. SMART. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevable, and Timed.

For example, a goal to “grow your business” Is not a SMART goal.

A SMART goal could look something like: Generate 30 new qualified leads over the next two months.

This objective is specific : it identifies a specific measure, new prospects.

He is measurable : the objective is to generate 30 new prospects.

It is difficult to explain in a general way what is realizable, but let's say you had 15 leads in the last two months, but you're now setting up calls to action and landing pages. 30 new leads would be an achievable goal based on your previous metrics and the new actions you've taken to increase that number.

This objective is relevant for the growth of your business, because more qualified new prospects mean more potential deals closed.

Finally, it is a goal opportune, as it has a specific deadline of two months. Without a deadline, it's hard to tell if you're improving or not.

If you receive general goals that sound like, “Oh, we're going to help you grow your business this year,” you should keep looking. A good growth agency will offer you SMART goals that give you tangible and measurable results.

SMART : une méthode pour atteindre ses objectifs

Find a Growth Hacking agency with a proven strategy

All Growth Hacking agencies will tell you that their strategy is the best, it's part of the game. You need to do the necessary work to make sure that their claims are true. First, you need to make sure that the agencies you're looking for have real, specific strategies that drive growth.

Next, you need to make sure that they work. Find a Growth Marketing agency that offers case studies, testimonials or customer references of your sector. There must be proof that the agency really has expertise in the area sought.

A good way to know in an instant if the agency you are looking at is legitimate: its own business strategies. See if she's implementing all the strategies she says she's an expert at (website design, content marketing, pay-per-click advertising, case studies, etc.).


A Growth Marketing Agency is More a partner than a service provider. You will work closely with her so that she knows your target audience as much as possible, in order to then develop advertising campaigns that are optimized as much as possible.

It's not uncommon for businesses to go to two or three Growth Hacking agencies before finding the one that's best for them. If you have trouble choosing between several agencies, A first encounter with the team can help you make your decision.

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If you are considering hiring a growth marketing agency, Let's talk ! We offer an audit to find out specifically which levers you should focus on for your acquisition strategy.

Do you want to train alone? Sign up for our Growth Marketing training.