Growth marketing vocabulary is not the easiest. To help you with the set-up different growth marketing techniques, we have prepared a very practical lexicon for you. A glossary updated regularly, bringing together the terms and definitions essential to the understanding of digital marketing.

When you are interested in Growth and marketing in general, you often encounter a very technical vocabulary, based on English words and strange acronyms. If you are lost, don't panic. Here is the lexicon that asGrowth Marketing experts, we use every day.

Note: this glossary is not exhaustive. It will be updated regularly.

The Growth Marketing lexicon

Lexique Growth Marketing : A

AARRR (framework)

AARRR is an acronym often used to illustrate the key stages of a growth hacking policy and the development of a startup.

The initials AARRR correspond to:

  • Acquisition (these are all the different channels that allow you to acquire and bring back traffic to your site, downloads of your app, listeners to an episode of your podcast, etc...)
  • Activation
  • Retention
  • Income
  • Recommendation

The AARRR “method” was popularized in the United States by the “startuper” Dave McClure. It is in itself not very revolutionary, and finally includes elements that have long been very classical elements or objectives of marketing.

A/B Test

A/B testing is a procedure used in marketing that makes it possible to measure the impact of a change in the version of a variable on the achievement of an objective (click, validation, filling out a form, etc.). In the strict sense, an A/B test allows you to test 2 versions of the variable

AIDA (framework)

A.I.D.A is the acronym that stands for ACareful, IInterest, DDesire and AAction.

This framework is used in Copywriting.

Lexique Growth Marketing : B

Buying Lifecycle

It's a customer's buying journey. In B2B, this journey is generally considered to be divided into three phases: discovery (awarness), evaluation (consideration) and decision (purchase).


A bounce is an error or failure email from the recipient's domain server. So it is an email that is considered false or bad.

Bounce rate (in emailing)

The bounce rate of an email campaign corresponds to the ratio (bounced messages/messages sent or delivered] * 100).

The bounce rate is in particular an indicator of the quality of the email file used and of control of deliverability.

Lexique Growth Marketing : C

Cold emailing

(cold emailing/prospecting mailing/cold mailing)

The expression cold emailing refers to the practice of sending an email to a professional target prospect, without having had a prior contact or interaction with this person and without them having requested this contact.

The practice of Cold emailing is exclusively a B2B practice that can be done on a professional email address.

Cold emailing rate

A cold emailing rhythm is the automated and scheduled sending of several “cold” emails.

A cold emailing cycle generally consists of a first approach email, and several follow-up emails, the follow-ups.

Cold emailing rates are done in dedicated tools, such as LemList, Klenty, or


Loss of customers or subscribers.


A conversion can be defined by the fact that a visitor or the recipient of a campaign takes the desired action. This action can be a purchase, filling out a form, downloading a document, making an appointment, registering for a webinar.


Copywriting can be defined as the art of writing texts to achieve the goals set (branding, memorization, conversion,...). More often than not, copywriting aims to be concise, compelling, and compelling.

In this article, we give you all the keys to make good copies: Copywriting: How to write content that converts


CPC is the English acronym used to refer to “Cost-Per-Click” or commonly used to refer to “Cost Per Click”. It is a method of invoicing advertising space or marketing actions commonly used on the Internet.

CPC is the billing method mainly used in Ads (SEA, and Paid Social Media).


CPM, or average cost per thousand impressions, is the average amount you are charged for 1,000 views of your ads.


CRM is the acronym for “Customer Relationship Management” or “Customer Relationship Management”.

CRM refers to the entire computer system dedicated to the management of customer relationships.

CRM is then the IT solution, accessible by all members/users of a company, making it possible to manage all the information relating to customers and prospects and all the interactions carried out with these individuals (incoming and outgoing contacts).


CRO is the acronym for “Conversion Rate Optimization”. CRO is therefore a one-off operation or a continuous approach that consists in optimizing conversion rates on e-commerce sites and mobile applications and other marketing applications.


CTA is the English acronym commonly used to refer to the “Call To Action”, or the call to action in French. The CTA is therefore a text constituting an invitation or a call to action sought from the individual exposed to the marketing or advertising message.


CTR is the English acronym used to refer to the “Click Through Rate”.

The click rate is the number of clicks recorded on a clickable item compared to the number of times the item was displayed. It is generally expressed in%.

This is a data that we mainly follow in ads, and in cold emailing campaigns.

Customer journey

Customer journey. All interactions with the brand on the various channels used.

Lexique Growth Marketing : D

Data enrichment

Data enrichment is an English term commonly used to refer to file data enrichment. It is an operation by which one seeks to complete and add missing data to a file.


Deduplication makes it possible to eliminate and remove multiple duplicates within the same file.

In B2B, files and CRMs are generally very exposed to duplicates.

Lexique Growth Marketing : E

Earned Media

Content not generated directly by the company but from which it benefits free of charge (SEO, buzz, forum conversations, blog posts, etc.). It's essentially about conversations and user-generated content.

Lexique Growth Marketing : F

Conversion funnel

Funnel is an English term meaning funnel, it refers to the conversion funnel.

A funnel is a graphical analysis feature offered by audience analysis tools. It allows you to visualize the conversion rate and the loss points during a conversion process comprising a series of pages or steps.


Product or service that is initially free to attract the most people. Then pay with other features.

Lexique Growth Marketing : G

Google Ads

Google Ads is the platform created by Google, and allows you to make paid advertisements on the Google search engine. Ads on the Google Ads platform most often appear above organic results.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analysis service offered by Google that tracks and reports traffic on websites.


GTM is an acronym for Google Tag Manager (formerly also known as Google Tag Manager), is a free tag management tool developed by Google.

Lexique Growth Marketing : I


ICP is the English acronym commonly used to refer to “Ideal Customer Profile”. It is your ideal business customer profile, which brings the most value to you and to whom you bring the most value.

Personas = person

ICP = Business

Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing, sometimes translated as “inbound marketing,” refers to the principle by which a company seeks that its prospects or customers come to it.

Inbound Marketing is a strategy that consists in playing on the wealth of Internet content and their visibility: it is a question of offering new and quality content and ensuring its visibility by optimizing search engine optimization (SEO: search engine optimization) on social networks: podcasts, video, video, webinar, white paper, blog article, etc.

Thus, the future customer comes by himself, instead of being attracted by a classic marketing campaign. This is opposed to Outbound Marketing, or outbound marketing.

Thus, Inbound Marketing aims for customers/prospects to come naturally or spontaneously to the company, by providing them with useful information or services in the context of a proven or potential need.

IoT (Internet of Things)

Refers to the fact that the Internet now also applies to the physical world, through connected objects and AI.

Landing page

The landing page, also called landing page or landing page, refers to the page on which an Internet user arrives after clicking on a link (commercial link, email link, link linked to an advertising banner, etc.).

Lead Generation

Refers to actions to detect signals of interest sent by potential customers for the product or service (telephone calls, forms, interaction on an email, etc.) We also talk about “lead gen”. Lead generation corresponds to all actions aimed at producing leads.

Lead Magnet

Web content offered to a prospect in exchange for contact information. Ex: give your email to have access to the content. Get the start and give your email to read on.

Linkedin Ads

It's about advertising on the Linkedin platform.


A measurement indicator used to judge the effectiveness of an activity or campaign. Ex: clicks, click rate/impression/bounce rate/conversion, conversion rate, etc.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Indicator of recommendation.

Outbound Marketing

Outbound Marketing, which literally means outbound marketing, is the most traditional form of marketing: the strategy consists in reaching out to the consumer.

In Outbound Marketing, the “traditional” levers/channels are:

  • Emailing (Cold emailing)
  • Phoning
  • SMS
  • Postal letters
  • Advertising (Online : SEA, Social Paid Media, Offline : Advertising signs)
  • POS

Paid media

It is in this category that we will find all paid broadcasts, i.e. advertisements (whether on television, radio, in the written press and the web), but also sponsored articles, sponsorship in general and paid referencing.

Paid Social Media

Paid Social Media is the English term used to refer to advertising on social networks.

Paid Social Media is all the paid methods that a company uses to boost its brand image or to promote its product/service on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Twitter, TikTok, TikTok, Pinterest and Linkedin.


In marketing, a persona is a term used to define an imaginary character representing a target group or segment. In general, it represents the ideal profile of our target. To define and properly identify our personas, we describe them by attributing social and psychological characteristics and behaviors to them.


Pixels are bits of code (Javascript) that you place on the pages of your website. They allow you to track and track who visits your website.


Reach is the coverage of a campaign, a site or an advertising network.

For a campaign, it is the percentage of Internet users or individuals belonging to the target who have been exposed to an advertising creation at least once during the campaign period.


Retargeting is an advertising practice that most often consists in targeting an individual who has visited a website or a product sheet, but for whom there was no purchase or transformation during this visit.


ROAS, sometimes presented in the form of RoAS, is the initial for “Return On Ad Spent” which can be translated as “return on investment on advertising expenses”. In almost all cases, ROAS is measured by the ratio: Sales generated by the campaign/advertising expenses.

Scraping (Data) or web scraping)

The term web scraping refers to the automatic extraction of data from the Internet. By creating a robot or “bots” using programs or scripts, we extract massive amounts of data from websites or directories. It is a considerable time saver, as it allows hundreds of thousands of data to be recovered in a few minutes/hours.


SEA is an acronym for “Search Engine Advertising” which literally means advertising on search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing). SEA therefore refers to the use of commercial or advertising links on search engines.

Basically, SEA consists in enriching on keywords to appear in the first results, when the user searches in their search engine.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means in French: “Optimization for search engines”.

This term defines all the techniques used to improve the position of a website on search engine results pages.

Click-through rate (email)

The click rate is the number of clicks recorded on a clickable item compared to the number of times the item was displayed.

Open rate (email)

The opening rate of an email campaign corresponds to the ratio (messages opened/messages sent or delivered] * 100).

Note: opening tracking is done using an invisible 1-pixel image whose loading on the recipient's computer is detected by the emailing platform used for the campaign.

Bounce rate (on web traffic)

The bounce rate is a marketing indicator that measures the percentage of Internet users who entered a web page and left the site afterwards, without consulting other pages. So they only saw one page of the site.

A low bounce rate means that users stay on your site, and don't leave your page.


Tracking is the action that consists in “tracking” the user on the Internet.

This tracking can be done on a particular site, on an entire network of sites (advertising network) or concern the observation of the reactions and actions of an Internet user following exposure to an advertising or marketing message (email, banner, commercial link, etc.).

Growth Marketing : termes commençant par U


USP is the acronym for “Unique Selling Proposition” or key selling point.

The USP is the main promise used in an advertising speech or a sales interview. To deliver its full convincing potential, the USP (unique selling proposition) must not be able to be used by the competition and must be based on a truly differentiating element.

Now that you know the Growth lexicon, it's time to train yourself by registering for our Growth Marketing training.