Have you ever heard of forms HubSpot ? These powerful tools can help you increase conversions on your website and gather valuable information about your prospects. In this article, we'll explore in detail how to create effective HubSpot forms that really work.

Understanding HubSpot forms

Before diving into the details of creating HubSpot forms, it's important to understand what a HubSpot form really is and why it's so crucial to your marketing strategy. A form is a simple and effective way to collect information about your prospects and convert them into qualified leads. With HubSpot, you can create custom forms that integrate seamlessly with your website and are easy for your visitors to fill out. These forms allow you to collect information such as name, email address, and other valuable details, which you can use to personalize your communication with your prospects.

HubSpot form: definition

A HubSpot form is an information-gathering tool that allows visitors to your website to provide you with valuable information. This information may include their name, email address, phone number, and other key details. HubSpot forms are easy to create and can be customized to match the look and feel of your website.

Why use HubSpot forms?

Using forms has a number of benefits for your business. First, they help you gather valuable information about your prospects, including their contact details, geographic location, interests, etc. This information can be used to personalize your communication, target special offers, and improve the overall experience of your prospects.

Then, they help you generate qualified leads. When visitors fill out your form, they show interest in your business or products. This means they are more likely to convert into paying customers in the future. The forms created on HubSpot allow you to segment your prospects based on their interests and behavior, allowing you to personalize your communication and target your offers for the best results.

In addition, they offer great flexibility in terms of design and customization. You can choose from a variety of pre-designed form templates or create your own in a completely customized way. You also have the option of adding additional fields to your forms to collect information specific to your business.

Finally, HubSpot forms are integrated into your HubSpot database, allowing you to easily track how your prospects interact with your website and create detailed reports on the performance of your forms. You can thus measure the effectiveness of your forms and make the necessary adjustments to optimize your lead generation.

Steps to create an effective form

HubSpot online form builder

1. Access your HubSpot account

  • Sign in to your HubSpot account.
  • In the top navigation menu, click “Marketing.”
  • Select “Lead capture” from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on “Forms.”

2. Create a new form

  • In the top right corner, click the “Create Form” button.
  • You will then have the choice between several types of forms. For a standard form, select “Regular Form” and click “Next.”

3. Choose a model (optional)

  • HubSpot offers pre-built form templates that you can use as a starting point. If you prefer to start with a template, choose one. If not, click “Start from scratch.”

4. Add and customize form fields

  • Use the left panel to add fields to your form. Drag and drop the fields you want into the area of your form on the right.
  • Click on any field to customize its settings, such as making the field mandatory or changing its label.

5. Customize the appearance and configure the options of your form

  • Use customization options to change the look and feel of your form, including colors, fonts, and layout.
  • Define submission options, such as the thank you page or the action to take after submitting the form.

6. Define tracking options

  • In the “Follow-up” tab, you can configure the tracking of form submissions in your HubSpot CRM or integrate the form with other tools.

7. Save and integrate the form

  • Once you have finished customizing your form, click “Publish” at the top right.
  • After publishing, HubSpot will provide you with an embed code. Copy this code to embed the form on your website or use the direct URL provided to share the form online.

8. Test your form

  • Test the form by completing a test submission to make sure everything is working as expected.
  • Verify that the submissions appear in your HubSpot account and that any notifications or integrations set up are working properly.

Optimize your HubSpot forms for better conversion

Creating an effective HubSpot form doesn't end with creating the form itself. You should also optimize your form for better conversion. Here are some tips to help you optimize your forms.

Use compelling CTAs

Calls to action (CTAs) play a crucial role in converting visitors into leads. Use compelling CTAs to encourage visitors to fill out your form. Make sure your CTAs are clear, relevant, and offer added value to your visitors.

Optimize the design of your form

The design of your form is also important to improve conversion. Make sure your form is aesthetically appealing, easy to read, and easy to fill out. Use colors and fonts that match your brand and make sure your visitors can easily navigate your form.

Ensure the mobile compatibility of your forms

More and more people are using mobile devices to browse the web. Make sure your HubSpot forms are optimized for mobile devices. Test your form on a variety of devices and orientations to make sure it's easy to complete regardless of what device is used.

Manage and analyze the performance of your forms

Once you've created your HubSpot form and optimized it for better conversion, it's important to track its performance and analyze the data collected. Here are some tips for managing and analyzing performance.

Track form submissions

HubSpot offers form submission tracking features. Use these features to track the number of form submissions, conversion rates, and other key stats. This will let you know if your form is working effectively and if you need to make changes to improve it.

Analyzing conversion rates

Conversion rates are an important indicator of how effective your form is. Analyze conversion rates to understand if your form is convincing and if you are getting the results you want. Use this data to improve your form and increase your conversion rate.

Use data to improve your forms

The data collected by your HubSpot forms can provide you with valuable information about your prospects. Use this data to personalize your communication and optimize your offers. For example, if you notice that a lot of visitors are leaving your form halfway through, you can redesign the form and reduce the number of fields required to increase the conversion rate.

As you can see, creating effective HubSpot forms can help you generate qualified leads and improve conversion on your website. Follow these steps and use optimization tips to maximize the effectiveness of your HubSpot forms. Remember to track and analyze the performance of your forms to continuously improve them.

When we know the relevance of these forms for our CRM, what is often lacking is expertise or time to set it up. Being supported by experts is often the most interesting solution. In this case, you can find our top 5 Hubspot agency to know who to turn to.