Whether it's for sales, marketing, or customer service, as a business that wants to grow, you certainly rely on a variety of tools. The key to optimizing performance and increasing results lies in centralization of data.

Hubspot, as an all-in-one platform, is one of the most integrated software suites on the market, allowing you to manage both your CRM, your marketing, your sales, your customer service and even your website!

With more than 1000 native integrations available, Hubspot allows you to combine your essential business tools with your instance to create a solid, efficient and personalized technological ecosystem, thus facilitating the management of your growth.

In this article, we'll tell you a bit more about integrations. Let's go for this mini Hubspot training !

Hubspot integrations: what are they?

Your range of tools isn't limited to Hubspot's features. Well, Hubspot integrations allow you to get your best tools to communicate and sync their data. Result? You optimize everyone's productivity and performance.

For example, you use the Marketing Hub, but your actions sometimes go beyond the functionalities offered. Depending on your needs, you can add tools to send emails, create an e-commerce site, organize webinars, or plan physical events.

If you want to transfer your data from one tool to another effectively, it's no secret that you need to create a connection between them, which Hubspot integrations facilitate.

Why use Hubspot integrations?

Connecting thousands of tools

Whether it's marketing, sales, customer service, or business management, there are thousands of tools that can be connected to Hubspot. We grouped them into four categories:

🤝 Sale :

  • CRM: Salesforce, Pipedrive
  • Phone calls: Aircall
  • E-commerce: Shopify, Prestashop

❤️ Customer service :

  • Support tools: Zendesk
  • Survey integrations: Survey Monkey

💸 Finance :

  • Invoicing: Quickbooks, Stripe
  • Management: Sage, Cegid
  • Contractualization: Pandadoc

📲 Marketing :

  • Emails: Lemlist
  • Events: Gotowebinar, Zoom
  • Ads: Google Ads campaign...
  • Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Synchronizing your data between your applications

Not all of your tools are on Hubspot, yet the data from your third-party tools is very important and should enrich your HubSpot instance.

This is what will allow you to create numerous marketing and sales reports or scenarios in HubSpot taking into account all of your tools and your technological ecosystem.

For example, by connecting SalesForce with Hubspot Marketing, you will be able to share your sales CRM data and use it in your marketing campaigns for personalization, segmentation, etc.

Automating tasks on all your tools

With Hubspot integrations, you can automate certain actions and tasks without having to navigate between different tools. You can:

  • Create campaigns directly via your instance;
  • Update contact information automatically using workflows:
  • Select contact lists directly in your tool.

Result: your sales and marketing teams are better aligned, you save time and your productivity improves ! You also avoid recurring imports of CSV files, which are time-consuming and prone to errors.

Improving analytics

Forget the multiple dashboards that make you become a goat! Hubspot integrations allow you to centralize data from your third-party tools, thus facilitating their analysis on a single platform. We assure you that your decision-making will be much easier!

Hubspot integrations: what are the options?

Native integration

Hubspot offers over 1000 native integrations. To connect your software to Hubspot and sync your data, you don't need to be a tech whiz. A few clicks and it's over! We guide you:

👉 Direction your Hubspot instance

👉 Click on the “Marketplace” icon at the top right

👉 Select “App MarketPlace.” There you will find all the tools that can be connected natively to Hubspot.

We told you it was easy!

Zapier: the ultimate integration connector

Although Hubspot has a well-filled catalog, Not all tools have native integration. To complete, we recommend Zapier. This automation software allows you to synchronize your tools with Hubspot, especially for low-code/no-code integrations.

Thanks to him, you can connect two tools and make data communicate through automations called “zaps”. Zaps are simple workflows that consist of a trigger and an effector.

The downside in our opinion: Zapier meets simple needs well, but it is quick to use limited for more complex cases. And yes, data sync is unidirectional, transferring data only in one direction.

Middleware: software that combines your data

If the tool you want to connect to Hubspot doesn't have a native integration and you need two-way sync, you can opt for middleware like Trujay.

😳 For those who would be a hair loss : Middleware is SaaS software that allows you to connect various tools and databases to Hubspot to synchronize information on all the software used. This option is interesting because it allows you saves time and facilitates changes thanks to a dedicated interface.

Custom connections

Hubspot also allows you to create custom integrations by using the APIs, reproducing the behavior of a native connector.

This tailor-made development is perfect if you know How to synchronize your tool data and own the necessary technical skills. In short, if you are up! Even if it requires development, it is often essential to connect professional or highly personalized tools.

🤔 An API, what? An API (Application Programming Interface) serves asintermediary between computer systems, allowing two applications to communicate and exchange data. The possibilities are almost unlimited, whether you are working on a market tool or a homemade tool, in SaaS or on-premise.

Embark on a Hubspot integration mission in 3 steps

👉 Define your integration strategy

To succeed in a Hubspot integration project, thorough thinking is essential. Start by identifying your needs and listing the data that is most relevant to you.

👉 Think about data sync

Analyze your use cases to determine the properties and directions of synchronization required in your tools. The aim here is to enable each team to find the data they really need while avoiding an overload of unnecessary information.

👉 Choosing your integration method

Once you've defined your needs, explore the different sync methods. Whether through native or custom integrations, choose the most suitable option for you and your teams.

Starting out with Hubspot integrations is good, but knowing how to use it to its full potential is even better! At Growth Room, we have been a Platinum Hubspot partner for a few years and we help you Get the most out of it with our Hubspot agency.