We say stop tinkering, superficial and scattered tools and obsolete communication methods! We say yes to a digital communication strategy based on solid objectives of acquisition, customer loyalty and reputation! The kind of strategy that (really) supports the growth of your business. In this article, we reveal to you the recipe for a successful digital strategy!

The steps of a successful digital communication strategy

1 - Rethinking your current digital communication

It's time to take stock! You have to look at what was done, what worked, or what didn't work at all. A kind of mini audit of your past digital communication strategy that allows you to realign your goals and actions.

2 - Define objective (s) for your digital communication strategy

Wanting to succeed in your digital marketing strategy is good, but what does it really mean to succeed?

  • Acquisition: Are you looking to attract new customers?
  • Activation/Nurturing: Do you want to turn more prospects into customers?
  • Retention: Do you want to retain your current customers with retention, upsell, cross-sell or segmentation strategies?
  • Customer service: do you want to improve your customer service with recommendations, chatbots, complaint management, CSAT or NPS surveys?

👉 Identifying your current situation and communication goals will allow you to define appropriate actions. This may seem obvious, but often, in a hurry or to save time or money, this critical step is overlooked.

Also, it is essential to align your problems and priorities with your management, which can sometimes be complex. Who has never heard “The priority of our business?” Develop everything!” or “The objective? Do the maximum”?

⭐️ Our advice : for your mini audit on your communication strategy, use SMART goals or explore OKRs (Objective and Key Results).

3 - Know your persona like the back of your hand

Understanding your offer, your market and your competitors is essential.

But it's just as important to know your target and expectations well, which are constantly evolving. What is a persona ? The persona concept represents an ideal type of customer, such as an Administrative and Financial Director (CFO) or an Information Systems Director (CIO).

For niche strategies or ABM (Account-Based Marketing), the concept of ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) is valuable. An ICP could be, for example, an industrial company in France, on the plastic injection market, employing between 30 and 400 employees.

By combining the concepts of ICP and persona, you can offer expert answers to the specific problems of your target in relation to your offer.

For example, if your target is Generation Z, you are more likely to reach them with TikTok ads formats only in front of a television program.

4 - Have a successful website

For your digital marketing strategy to be effective, you need to have a website and for this content to be effective. Ok, this is the basic but it is sometimes good to remind you because unfortunately, some companies still use their Facebook or Linkedin page for their site. This is obviously not enough, even if you don't do e-commerce!

Above all, think about your audience and the conversion of visitors into prospects.

Your website must be an essential tool for your marketing and sales, and become a major business contributor. Do not overlook its contents and its technical part.

⭐️ Our checklist for a successful site:

👉 Distribution of images in optimized formats (webp, jpeg) 👉 Compression of images as much as possible to reduce their weight 👉 Use of caching systems 👉 Maximum reduction of JS code 👉 Use of a CDN (content delivery network) to distribute the various media

5 - Integrate SEO into your digital communication strategy

What do you do when you're looking for information about a product or a destination? Like 93% of consumers, you search on Google (or on GPT chat for some).

If you do it, your consumers do it too (they are precisely 80% according to Ifop, and even 93% of managers). It is therefore essential for your business to be present in Google search results on its strategic keywords, because consumers complete 61% of their buying journey alone, before contacting a seller.

To do this, no secret: you must regularly and consistently produce content that interests them via a blog on your website.

For example, (if you want to target one sector more than another) for a kitchen designer, it is essential to be found not only on the name of the company, but especially on frequent searches such as:

  • “kitchen furniture”: 49,500 monthly queries on Google in France according to Semrush
  • “central kitchen island”: 33,100 monthly queries on Google according to Semrush
  • “kitchen work plan”: 49,500 monthly queries on Google according to Semrush
  • “high-end cuisine”: 27,100 monthly queries on Google according to Semrush
  • “Kitchen credence”: 60,500 monthly queries on Google according to Semrush

For each blog post, you need to target all the expressions (we're talking about semantic cocoons) that your persona is likely to look for at each stage of the buying journey: discovery, evaluation, decision or loyalty.

Here, we touch on an essential lever: the SEO (natural referencing) and, by extension, the Inbound Marketing methodology.

6 - Social networks as a driver of traffic and conversion

One of the best known marketing channels on the web is the adequate use of social networks as an acquisition lever.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others aren't just channels for sharing photos from your last team lunch. Above all, social networks are important sources of traffic and conversion. The secret, in terms of digital communication strategy, is always to bring value to your followers. In B2B, for example, LinkedIn is a gold mine for influencing and finding customers, partners and collaborators.

7 - An effective newsletter and marketing automation

No, the newsletter is not out of date. Far from it.

Of course, you should not fall into the classic mistakes: lack of personalization, segmentation, CTA, or added value. But far from being dead, the newsletter is even sometimes “paid” when it provides precise answers to complex problems.

However, who says newsletter says marketing database and CRM. Who are you going to send it to, when, in what context and, above all, what will you tell in it?

The newsletter remains an effective means of communication to fuel the relationship with your prospects and to support them in their buying decisions, thanks to expert content (and not only commercial, except perhaps in the form of case studies). This is called lead nurturing, facilitated by a marketing automation tool.

Admit it, you have all had prospects interested in your business and its services but “not for now” or “in 3 months”, and whom you rarely, awkwardly, or never at the right time...

At Growth Room, our newsletter generates around 40 leads per month! It requires investment but it's the type of content that's worth it!

8 - Integrate SEA into your digital communication strategy

Online advertising (SEA) is a very effective acquisition lever, provided it is used correctly. Otherwise, you risk seeing your budget melt away like snow in the sun without getting the results you were looking for.

Unless you, or someone on your team is an ace in SEA, the best way to (really) perform is to entrust the creation and management of your ads campaigns to experts.

9 - Analyze your actions

Another secret to keep in mind is theanalysis of the actions you have taken. While it is difficult to concretely measure the impact of your traditional advertising campaigns on your company's turnover, digital technology allows you to know exactly the ROI of each euro spent, for example by calculating the cost of customer acquisition.

To do this, you must of course have set up a good strategy for converting your Internet users on your various digital channels.

When it comes time to determine the budgets for future actions, the data collected and analyzed allows you to best optimize your allocation decisions.

10 - Use of efficient tools

The method is good. Having marketing tools at the service of it is better.

You can tinker with several tools, but you will waste time mastering them, making them communicate with each other, updating the security modules, and finally saving a few euros, at best.

Today, there are more than 10,000 “martechs”, publishers of marketing and sales tools that are essential for the growth of your business.

Most offer free features, including the Best Hubspot CRM, ideal for centralizing customer data or building your site.

So of course, to get started, entry-level tools can sometimes be enough. It all depends on your project and your ambitions for your business. But be sure that without tools, your development will be limited.

11 - A customer-centric digital communication strategy

Your digital marketing strategy should be built to generate revenue, which involves a close link to business development and customer service.

To optimize revenue, you need to take an integrated marketing + sales + customer relationship approach, called “Revenue Operations” or RevOps.

Revenue Operations is the process of combining the operational goals of marketing, sales, and customer service into a single department. This approach makes it possible to effectively align these departments around buyers by harmonizing processes (KPIs, documents, playbooks), technology (CRM, automation), data, and especially the people in your organization.

Businesses that succeed in digital marketing and achieve results have all implemented these operations. And you? Are we talking about it?