Well&Wiz is a consulting firm that combines innovation and expertise. But it is also a dynamic collective of independent expert consultants, driven by the passion to transform businesses and stimulate their growth. Their hand-picked talent network is full of specialists in Management, Organization, IT & Digital consulting.

The agency did not have a professional CRM. The management of customers and prospects was done only on an Excel document. The problem? Not all leads were processed, which had a direct impact on the conversion rate. So she called on our CRM and Hubspot expertise. More specifically, we set up a Hubspot Sales Pro account, as well as Hubspot Marketing Starter.

Well&Wizz's main challenges:

  • Redefine the conversion funnel;
  • Process the processing of leads within the sales team to improve the transformation;
  • Ensure that 100% of leads are processed;
  • Have reliable monitoring of business performance KPIs and commercial activity tracking.

The implementation of Hubspot actions

The ILead integration

First, we clarified the source of the leads, by customizing the contact property and by redefining the leads to be reported with SEO and direct traffic. We also automated source completion for all incoming leads.

Then, we mapped the entry points into the CRM to ensure that 100% of incoming requests fell into the CRM.

We also customized company, contact and transaction information sheets, but also created a contact request form to be integrated into the website.

The tLead processing

We mapped and customized the sales pipeline and lifecycle as shown below.

Then, we automated the processing of incoming leads. How? By completing a Sales task or email nurturing.

THEuse of tools

The big challenge was not only to set up a solid Hubspot CRM system but to onboard the consulting firm's sales team so that they knew how to use it perfectly.

How did we do it?

On the one hand, we created comprehensive individual accounts with:

  • An email connection,
  • A Mail Sales extension,
  • A calendar connection,
  • The creation of personalized appointment scheduling links.

On the other hand, we demonstrated Hubspot and its essential features:

  • Filtered views,
  • Use of task queues,
  • Creation of meeting connection links (Robin or individual),
  • etcetera

The vData visualization

To meet the needs of the client, we also created custom reports, as in the example below.

Focus on Hubspot support tools

We used Miro to perform the initial mapping that allowed us to define the actions to be implemented.

Then, throughout the duration of the support, we developed a Notion document that allows us to monitor our actions every week.

The performances obtained

Today, the sales teams are onboarded at the Getting started with Hubspot CRM. In addition, the pipe has been perfectly restructured, with automated actions throughout the sales funnel, to ensure the proper treatment of all incoming leads and prospects. This was not the case before: there was a significant loss of leads in the Excel process.