All companies are now subject to CSR obligations, whether with respect to their customers, employees, suppliers or within the framework of regulatory constraints. They must therefore put in place a clear, reliable CSR approach that is adapted to their challenges.

That's where it comes in Zei, a platform that adapts to the size and activity of its customers to offer them a CSR approach that can be managed on a daily basis, auditable by their sponsors and communicated to their stakeholders. To have the maximum impact, a CSR approach must be able to be evaluated, managed and communicated as effectively as possible.

The company called on Growth Room to help them significantly increase leads qualified to the tool, especially in the coming months.

The objectives of the mission

We had two goals:

  1. Capitalize on brand awareness to increase the volume of qualified leads, especially before the implementation of the CSRD law in January.
  2. Structuring their paid acquisition process, which was done in an artisanal way

Development and implementation of the strategy

We launched three phases in parallel:

  1. Search campaigns on Google.
  2. Awareness campaigns on LinkedIn with the download of a white paper.
  3. Retargeting on Google and LinkedIn for people who have shown interest in the brand.

Implementation of the strategy: until the end of August

Google Search campaigns were launched in May, marked by low seasonality during the months of July and August. However, by September, activity had resumed with a significantly higher volume of leads.

Implementation of the strategy: since September

We are developing the account to try to maximize the volume of prospects by the beginning of January - an important but not final date because the business will continue for a lot to be done.

This is therefore an opportunity to seek maximum notoriety, by developing the Awarness phase by downloading the white paper.

How did we do it?

Launch of the prescriber audience on LinkedIn

Since the beginning of October, all companies that serve businesses on CSR issues, and in particular on regulatory aspects, have introduced a new target of “prescribers”, including accountants and auditors in particular.

The aim of this strategy is to reach an intermediate audience, as these professionals are likely to recommend the ZEI solution to their customers. We waited until early September to have collected enough data before launching it to accurately determine the appointment booking rate by objective. Today, we know exactly what the conversion rate of a finalized registration is.

Changing the budget distribution on Google keywords

To date, we have achieved good performances, especially in terms of the number of demos booked, which is constantly increasing on Linkedin.

Although the finalized registrations had a lower booked demo rate (12%), they were widely promoted on the site, hence the decision to continue to promote them while trying to maximize their volume.

In comparison, booking appointments had a much higher booked demo rate, reaching 30%. However, this has resulted in higher costs, given the deeper engagement required of the user.

Overall performances

Regarding the download of the white paper, we have seen a significant increase: the rate of demo bookings has increased from 3% to 10% thanks to the addition of the audience of prescribers.

At the beginning of September, we reached the set turnover goals.

The most important impact of support is that they manage to communicate with their prospects much more widely than at trade shows. Before, they only met them once a year. Now they see ZEI as soon as they go on LinkedIn, whether they follow them or not.

SEA campaigns now represent the best conversion rate - 24% - from all sources combined thanks to the quality generated. These campaigns contributed significantly to achieving the monthly turnover target.

Today, the challenge is to support them in their growth by increasing the number of incoming leads, in particular by relying on X-channel and SEO articles.