Tracking Ads training: Know how to measure your Media Ads campaigns.

Tracking your campaigns on Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads... Here is a free training course of 6 concise emails, to know everything about tracking your Ads media campaigns.

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Tracking is essential for your campaigns.

When setting up Google Ads, Facebook Ads or LinkedIn Ads campaigns, setting up clear tracking that measures and reports data well is essential.
If you put together the right data, you have the potential to understand the results and optimize as much as possible.

Tracking = optimization = performance

Before launching an Ads campaign, you need to be clear about your goals: is it the sales volume, the conversion rate, the cost per purchase that you want to increase?

If tracking is well implemented, you will be able to:

- To understand if your campaigns are profitable, and bring the expected result.

- To optimize your campaigns according to your true objective to have more chances of improving it.

- To allow the advertising algorithm (Google Ads, Meta Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.) to manage its targeting in relation to this objective.

The best way to learn tracking: from experts.

Through experimentation, success, failure and readjustments with our customers, we know exactly, as experts, what you need to set up a effective tracking of your Ads campaigns.

The content of this training was designed to make something that is considered technical simple and accessible: the transparent measurement of your campaigns.

  • Free and concrete.
  • Content that is easy to digest. Never more than 5 minutes of reading!
  • We will teach you how to set up tracking in a clear way and without the need for technique.
  • There is nothing better for tracking training: based on concrete cases experienced on a daily basis with the companies that Growth Room supports.

Tracking training program

  • Day 0. Tracking Ads Training - Welcome 👋
  • Day 1. Definition and objectives of advertising tracking 🎯
  • Day 2. Site tracking audit 🧐
  • Day 3. Creating a GTM account and a container 📈
  • Day 4. Google Ads ⚙️ tracking setup
  • Day 5. Setting up a Facebook Ads 🔧 tracking
  • Day 6 (end). Verification check ✅

Frequently asked questions about Tracking training

What is the objective of the tracking training written by Growth Room?

How is the Growth Room Tracking course structured?

What are the benefits of taking a Tracking course with Growth Room?

How do I sign up for the Tracking training offered by Growth Room?

I don't have the time/skills to set up the tracking of my campaigns, follow it, or analyze the results I get on my Ads campaigns, what should I do?