A good configuration on Linkedin Ads is fundamental, but it is not enough to get the maximum number of conversions on your campaigns. To do this, you must be sure to optimize the ads you offer to your audience: that they are in the appropriate format, with careful copywriting and an engaging visual. Stay lukewarm on one or more of these parameters and your targets will be hesitant to take action. Concretely, which Linkedin Ads formats work best? How to create a Linkedin ad that converts and be sure to make your Linkedin Ads campaigns profitable? We tell you everything in this article.

In a previous article, we presented the method for Optimize a Linkedin Ads campaign.

Let's recall the ingredients of a successful Linkedin campaign:

  • One purpose well-defined campaign: Notoriety, Consideration or Conversions
  • One Audience refined through A/B testing
  • One bidding strategy scalable

Why this reminder? Because if your campaign were an iceberg, your ads would be the tip of the iceberg. We will see that to create a Linkedin ad that converts, you need their formats correspond to your objectives, and their visuals and Newsrooms To you hearings targets.

In this article, we will see for each Linkedin advertising format what objective it can be affiliated with, its advantages and its possible optimizations.

In summary:

  • What format Which advertiser to choose on Linkedin Ads?
  • What visual content to get attention?
  • How to use the Copywriting to increase the conversion rate?
  • Get inspired by ads Competitors
  • The advertising rules on Linkedin Ads

What advertising format should you choose on Linkedin Ads?

Let's present the different categories of ads on Linkedin, their formats And their pros respective.

Text Ads (text ads)

Objective: You want to strengthen your brand awareness and/or increase visits and conversions on your website.

Text Ads are text ads that appear either on the right column with a small image, or at the top of the page on a line of text without an image.

It is the first advertising format launched by Linkedin. It has the advantage of being the most affordable, although not the most engaging.

For the challenger.

  • Capitalize on a An attention-grabbing title that you are targeting. If it is a recruitment campaign, address your future recruits using their business language.
  • Get tested your Text Ads. Each week, test combinations of titles, descriptions, and images. You will thus be able to select the best choices and to stop the least efficient combinations.
  • Carefully prepare the Landing page following the Text Ad. Indeed, if you do not win your Linkedin audience with such a minimal format, spoil them by allowing them to arrive on a landing page with a neat visual, with clear benefits and CTA. It will then appear as a Garden of Eden and will increase your chances of conversion.
Text Ads exemple publicité Linkedin

Required format:

Advertising image: 100 x 100 pixels; upload a JPG or PNG file that is 2 MB or less

Listing title: up to 25 characters including spaces

Listing description: up to 75 characters including spaces

Destination URL : URLs must have the prefix “http://” or “https://”. You can use up to 500 characters for the destination link.

Sponsored content

Sponsored content is currently the advertising category that works best to convert your audience on Linkedin: images, carousel, and video allow you to reach audiences beyond your page's subscribers.

Single Image Ads

Single Image Ads represent the most simple and effective to be created. An image, a message, an action to be encouraged.

But be careful: an Internet user is exposed to more than a hundred advertisements per day. So be sure to use a strong image, which represents your message well and will make them want to know more.

We will see in detail later that a beautiful visual does not work without good text.

If you want to do a campaign to attract the promotion of your product, insert the within the image rather than in the description text is a smart choice. Your prospect will notice it immediately!

Required format:

File type: jpg or png

File size: 5 MB

Image ratio:

1. 91:1 (horizontal, computer and mobile)

1:1 (square, computer and mobile)

1:1.91 (vertical, mobile only)

Ad name (optional) 255 characters

Title: 70 characters

Introductory text: 150 characters

Description (LAN only): 70 characters. Only applies if you use LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN).

The video

Objective: Engagement, view on your videos, lead generation

Similar to Facebook, the video on Linkedin is the content that creates 5x more engagement than the other formats.

Video is part of what is currently called “rich media”: a type of advertising with multiple functionalities that allows the user to interact other than through visuals or text. It's no wonder the interaction rate is higher! So do not hesitate to play on this field.

Carousel Ads

Objective: they are multiple! reputation, engagement, conversions, use the carousel to share your ads in a fun way, present your products and services but also tell the story of your business.

If you're looking for an advertising format that increases your chances of creating a LinkedIn ad that converts, you've come to the right place!
The king of engagement and the click rate, the Image Carousel is a Linkedin format that has already proven its worth, both on personal and professional accounts. Engaging and dynamic, it makes it possible to summarize a complexity of information in an attractive way.

How to take advantage of it.

Think of the carousel as a card game, where each card is illustrated with an image and a subtitle. The first should define your theme and the others develop it.

A short format ranges from 3 to 5 cards, beyond that it is considered long.

In 3 cards: Openclassroom presents its online apprenticeship offer, develops its content by promoting it as “the best” and then encourages you to join its courses to “discover without waiting”.

In 6 maps: Air France presents its Business offer on its first card, subtitled “I'm flying to” which makes you want to discover what's next.
The 4 central maps are destination offers, Dakar, New York, New York, Pointe-à-Pitre and Bangkok, which are illustrated with careful photographs and subtitled their minimum prices (smart).
The carousel ends with the company logo and a “Booking until...” subtitle that encourages us to buy quickly. This is a superb use of this advertising format!

Dynamics Ads

Unlike Sponsored content, which is entirely designed by you, dynamic ads save a basic setting that you give them, and are automatically personalized depending on profile And of The activity of its target audience. You know, ads where you see your head appear side by side with a company logo? They have a small effect. We will quickly present to you what objectives they can meet, but they will have no reason to deal with creative optimization since their design is automated.

This dynamic advertising principle can be used in several ways: Spotlight Ads, Follower Ads or Job Ads.

Points of attention:

  • You can't change dynamic ads once they're launched
  • The display is only available on Desktop
  • Always make sure your message is clear and that you have an appropriate CTA.

The Spotlight Ads

Objective: You want to bring traffic to your website or a landing page that presents a product, an event, a service etc. For more visual impact, you can define a personalized background.

spotlight ads publicité linkedin exemple

Les Follower Ads

Objective: You are looking to increase the number of subscribers on your business page and strengthen your brand awareness. In the targeting settings, consider excluding your current subscribers from your Follower Ads campaign to only register new leads.

follower ads publicité linkedin exemple

Required format:

Company logo size: 100 x 100 pixels

Company logo file type: JPG or PNG

Company logo file size: 2 MB

Background image file type (optional): JPG or PNG

Background image size (optional): 300 x 250 pixels

Background image file size (optional): 2 MB

Title: 50 characters

Description: 70 characters

Company name: 25 characters

Call to action: 18 characters

URL prefix: http://or https://

Number of characters in the URL: 500 characters for the destination field URL

You now know which format to choose according to your goals, as well as their specificities.

It's up to you to adapt them:

  • At first to your own campaign goals
  • In a second step at results of your A/B testing tests.

Now let's move on to the visual creation of Linkedin ads.

Which visuals to get attention?

Creating a LinkedIn ad that converts goes beyond a simple “beautiful image”. A lot of attention is hidden behind it, it is -the- pivot to convert your audience. Let the horses go!

  • Choose a large format : 1200 x 627 pixels

Linkedin tells us: “content with large visuals has a higher click rate (CTR) of 38%.” Let's not deprive ourselves of it.

  • If possible, select images with bright colors to stand out from the news feed, as well as faces if it's relevant to your message. It's time to capture the attention of your audience by generating maximum interest.

Note: take into account the Dark mode in your choice of colors. Indeed, it is increasingly activated on Internet users' browsers! Be prepared for colors that don't come out the same way, especially if your ad is all black.

Figma single image ads publicité linkedin exemple
Figma Single Image Ads
  • Prioritize Visual information

Building the plan will decide: what important information needs to be seen first? What information will the prospect read last, just before clicking?

Do not hesitate to play on the variations of your texts (italics, impasto, underlining and highlighting), but also on your graphic elements (colors of your chart, different planes, white space, etc.) for highlight important information.

An example of a successful prioritization on this Single Image Ads distributed by Samsung:

samsung publicité linkedin ads exemple de hierarchisation
Samsung Single Image Ads

Look at the picture. We realize that there is no need to understand the text (written in Portuguese) to be won over by the aesthetic of the visual. We owe this immediate effect to the well-thought-out layout of the information!

In the center: the product, which is always noticed before the text. The suspended computer creates a striking effect.

On the left: which is the beginning of the common sense of reading, we are made to read the product name as the first text to be recorded.

To the right: After seeing the image of the product and then the name, Samsung ends with the marketing formulation “a new era of the notebook”, thought to be the last element that will convince us to click.

With only 3 elements and a brand logo, Samsung shows us the importance of not overloading a visual by prioritizing prioritization over addition.

  • Make images have an impact even when responsive

57% of Linkedin traffic comes from the telephone (Linkedin, 2018). This use is still lower compared to Youtube and Facebook (which respectively record 70% and 88% of their traffic on this device). However, a prediction indicates that this percentage should be increased to Quintuple by 2024! Enough to get in the habit of designing your mobile-friendly creations.

  • Choose strong images, which convey a story

Royalty-free stock images are handy, but it's best to avoid watered-down photos anyway!

What copywriting to increase the conversion of your Linkedin ads?

Linkedin is a very different channel than Facebook. It will therefore not adopt the same copywriting strategy. Here are the particularities of this network to keep in mind:

  • The audience remains entirely occupational
  • The use of the network leads to the expectation of a providing relevant content to professional life: it is the ideal place to place your Lead magnet (white papers, e-books, free training, etc.)

What copywriting on Linkedin Ads?

Whether in your titles, in your descriptions or in your visuals, here are some copywriting guidelines to apply to create a Linkedin ad that converts.

  • Remember the golden rule: an advertisement = a message. This message needs to be delivered clearly and to the point.
  • Out of grip? Use every copywriter's travel companion: the PAS framework For”Problem - Agitation - Solution”. This framework is based on the psychological fact that we are always more inclined to act to Relieve a pain, rather than considering an advantage.

Example with Figma, an online design software that used its collaborative advantage to show its usefulness during the pandemic.

Figma publicité linkedin copywriting exemple
Figma Single Image Ads

Problem : “How to maintain a collaborative relationship [...]?”

Restlessness : “[...] in this new world of remote work?”

Solution : “At Dropbox, designers - and non-designers as well - have taken up Figma to stay creative together.”

Solution supported in the picture: testimony of a convinced Figma user - “Figma has become the center of our universe since the pandemic.”

  • Talk directly to your audience using a vocabulary relevant to their profession.

Hard to say if all the jobs on Linkedin know what “data-driven marketing” means... Clearbit therefore reaches a niche by going so far as to represent this marketing concept visually.

clearbit single image ads exemple publicité linkedin copywriting
Clearbit Single Image Ads
  • Use and test strong keywords : “now”, “limited edition”, “exclusive”, “unique” etc.
  • Introduce Humor ! In B2B campaigns, we sometimes forget how taking the reader on a happy emotion such as laughter can make a difference. To be handled with skill!

Look at these examples of B2B campaigns that use humor finely.

Take inspiration from the competition with the Ads filter

Creating a LinkedIn ad that converts also requires a good benchmark. To view competitor Linkedin ads, is there a place similar to the famous Facebook Ads Library in Linkedin Ads? Yes.

Go to the profile page of a competing company. Then go to “Posts” and then select the “Ads” filter. See you on the eve!

publicités apple linkedin ads veille
publicité apple linkedin ads
publicité apple linkedin ads
publicité apple linkedin ads

Test and optimize

Finally, we cannot emphasize enough this last point specific to online campaigns: test, test and test allows you Then d'optimize your formats advertisers, both in terms of visuals and texts. This is the secret to getting ever closer to the audiences who are most eager to buy your service.

La regularity And a rhythm Appropriate are key: for each campaign, count 2 to 4 sponsored ads per group simultaneously.

The Linkedin Ads platform will optimize the display of the most efficient ads by itself.

To combat advertising fatigue:

  • Depending on the type of audience and the formats, it is preferable toalternate your creations when your performance drops.
  • Do not hesitate to Stop campaigns too inefficient and to replace them with those that perform best.

The advertising rules on Linkedin Ads

A final point of attention concerns the rules for approving or disapproving your ads by Linkedin's policy. Putting all your chances to create a LinkedIn ad that converts and having it blocked so close to the goal would be unfortunate: it could eat up time on your campaign schedule.

So be careful:

  • To copyright
  • Gambling, advertising prohibited
  • To the advertising promotion of cryptocurrencies
  • Ensure that your ads are complete before sending for validation

That's it, you now have all the keys in hand to create a Linkedin ad that converts. Now it's your turn to play! (or rather, to create 😉)

At Growth Room, we are also and above all a LinkedIn Ads agency certified and specialized. Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can work with you on a relevant strategy, and that we support you on your campaigns.

In addition, if you want to train alone: you can also register for our Linkedin Ads training.