What is Hubspot CRM?

Managing the customer experience in a growing business is essential. Indeed, in order to be able to meet the needs of its customers and retain more customers, it is necessary to establish a marketing strategy.

The latter cannot be carried out without accurate information about customers and prospects. Hubspot is a CRM platform that provides you with all the tools you need to offer an exceptional customer experience, and in a centralized manner. Discover more about the functionalities and the usefulness of this platform without further ado.

What is CRM software?

The acronym CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management”.

In other words, the role of CRM software is to improve relationships between a company and its customers through a marketing hub strategy. This is done through a massive collection of information, which will make it possible to better meet the needs and expectations of various customers.


The CRM collects purchase information, social media data, emails, and more for optimal accuracy. Thus, CRM is an essential software to increase your loyalty rate and improve your turnover.

Today, CRM software is essential to have a successful and growing business.

The history of Hubspot CRM

Hubspot is one of the most coveted CRMs among B2B companies (initially SMEs, then more and more large companies that are leaving Salesforce for Hubspot).

It is also one of the most accessible for businesses. Today, this CRM platform is even listed on the stock exchange.

The Hubspot software was created in 2006, the result of the collaboration between Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah.

Having noticed that customers no longer liked to be interrupted by commercial ads, the employees considered a new strategy, inbound marketing. It consists in making the customer come to you rather than the other way around.

The Hubspot CRM customer relationship management software was therefore created with this in mind. Today, with more than 130,000 customers in 135 countries, this CRM software is one of the essentials. In addition, many agencies use and specialize on Hubspot.

The marketing strategy implemented by the Hubspot CRM

To be able to enjoy the services offered by the Hubspot CRM platform, it is important to know how they work. Hubspot CRM is based on the idea that the customer should no longer be the end of the strategy.

The objective now is to retain each lead, and to create an interconnected community of customers, who ultimately become promoters of the business.


Hubspot's strategy is based on 3 fundamental principles

Acquisition: attracting prospects

This first step consists in collecting a whole database containing information about prospects. Any action related to growing this database is therefore part of this first step in Hubspot's marketing strategy. This work is done by the commercial marketing team.

Conversion: improving the chances of the prospect becoming a customer.

Interaction consists of any action that aims to Convert leads into customers. In accordance with the principle of inbound marketing, this should be done in the least invasive way possible. Tasks related to interacting with leads fall within the competence of the sales team.

Loyalty and retention: to increase the average basket over time.

As we mentioned, converting leads into customers is no longer the goal. It is then a question of retaining these customers. The tasks here are to keep the customer loss rate as low as possible to maintain a community. This work is carried out by the company's customer service.

Hubspot CRM platform features

Hubspot CRM has a lot of features for customer relationship management.. There is a free version, which includes the following features: :

  • Sales management functions
  • Customer service
  • CMS

Marketing management features are not included in the free version. Here is what using the Hubspot CRM marketing hub software will allow you to achieve (in its paid version):

  • Automatic update of sales activities
  • Transaction registration
  • Customer contact storage
  • Communication with customers through various means (calls, messages, etc.)
  • Scheduling sales agent tasks
  • Automation of emails to prospects (marketing automation)
  • Follow-up of prospecting campaigns
Example of a customer funnel that Hubspot allows you to manage in its entirety

Many other valuable and useful features for your business are also available within the marketing hub software, in order to develop effective management of your sales pipeline.

Why choose Hubspot CRM software?

Customer relationship management software is numerous and varied on the market. So what could be the reasons that could push you to choose Hubspot CRM as a marketing hub tool to make your company's sales pipeline grow? Here are a few of them.

Hubspot CRM, a very detailed tool

The criteria and functionalities taken into account by the Hubspot CRM software are numerous, and carefully selected. This makes it possible to obtain a rich and detailed database, which can improve the customer experience as much as possible.

All of this makes it easier for marketing teams, who can better target audiences, segment contact bases, etc.

CRM Hubspot thus makes it possible to maximize your sales pipeline by taking each contact forward in the purchase and loyalty journey.

The centralization of marketing, sales and customer service tools

The management of tools to manage a company's customer relationship is generally time-consuming. It is estimated that more than 80% of marketing and sales teams spend more than an hour managing their tools. With the Hubspot CRM software, all of these tools are centralized in a single platform. This is a major time-saver for both marketers and salespeople.


In addition, by aligning marketing, sales, and customer service teams in this way, Hubspot allows you to eliminate friction from the buying journey. The operation of your business is thus streamlined, and your performance can only be better.

An intuitive and User Friendly interface

One of the most common concerns with CRM software lies in their lack of understanding by the team that uses it. This concern necessarily poses performance problems, because adaptation time is necessary, but also expertise in initialization and management in order to use it to its full potential.

Hubspot CRM offers a more intuitive and quickly understandable interface. For optimal control of the Hubspot interface, you can contact our Hubspot expert who can help you !