Instant customer interaction and responsiveness have become necessities for businesses of all sizes. Chatbots, especially those integrated into platforms like HubSpot, offer an effective solution to meet this requirement. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using a HubSpot chatbot and how to set it up effectively.

Why use a HubSpot chatbot?

Before diving into the technical details, it is essential to understand why chatbots, and more specifically those from HubSpot, have become essential tools for businesses.

Improving the customer experience

Chatbots allow real-time interaction with visitors to your site, offering instant answers to their questions. This responsiveness significantly improves the user experience, contributing to a positive image of your brand.

In addition, chatbots are available 24/7, ensuring continuous support, even outside of your team's working hours.

Increase in conversion and retention

By providing quick and relevant answers, chatbots help keep visitors engaged, which can lead to increased conversion rates. Likewise, customer satisfaction generated by a smooth user experience promotes loyalty.

Optimization of human resources

Automating customer interactions frees your team from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on higher value-added activities. This optimizes the use of your human resources, while maintaining a high level of customer service.

How do I create a HubSpot chatbot?

HubSpot chatbot creation tool

Setting up a HubSpot chatbot is a relatively simple process, but requires careful planning and customization to be effective. Here is a step-by-step tutorial for setting up a chatbot on Hubspot:

1. Access your Hubspot account

  • Sign in to your Hubspot account.
  • Go to the main dashboard.

2. Open the chatbots section

  • In the top navigation menu, click “Service.”
  • Select “Chatflows” from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on the “Chatflows” tab.

3. Start creating a new chatbot

  • Click on the “Create a chatflow” button.
  • Hubspot will offer you several options. Select “Live chat and bot” then choose “Bot only” to create an automated chatbot.

4. Choose the type of chatbot

  • Hubspot offers different chatbot models according to your goals (lead qualification, customer support, meeting bookings, etc.).
  • Select the model that best fits your needs.

5. Personalize your chatbot

  • Use the chatbot editor to personalize your bot's messages, questions, and actions.
  • You can add conversation blocks to guide interactions, such as asking questions, providing answers, or redirecting to specific resources.

6. Set up bot responses

  • For each question your bot asks, set up the appropriate answers. You can define answers based on user choices or open responses.
  • Use conditional logic to personalize the user journey based on their responses.

7. Define follow-up actions

  • Set up what actions your bot should take after collecting information, such as assigning a contact to a team member, scheduling a meeting, or sending a follow-up email.

8. Adjust availability settings

  • Decide when your chatbot should be available to engage with visitors. You can set it to always be active or only at certain times.

9. Integrate the chatbot on your site

  • After setting up your chatbot, select the pages on your site where you want it to appear.
  • You can choose to show it on all pages or only on specific pages.

10. Test your chatbot

  • Before you put it online, test your chatbot to make sure it's working as expected. Check user journeys, bot responses, and follow-up actions.

11. Publish your chatbot

  • Once everything is set up and tested, publish your chatbot by clicking “Activate.”
  • Your chatbot is now online and ready to interact with your site visitors.

12. Analyze performance

  • Use Hubspot's analytics tools to track interactions with your chatbot, assess its effectiveness, and identify areas for improvement.

Integration with other tools

One of HubSpot's strengths is its ability to integrate with other tools and platforms. When you use a HubSpot chatbot, you can integrate it with your CRM for simplified management of customer data. In addition, integration with analysis tools will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your chatbot and make adjustments accordingly.

Advanced customization

HubSpot offers advanced personalization features for your chatbots. You can segment your audience based on specific criteria and adapt the chatbot's responses accordingly. This increased personalization makes it possible to offer a more relevant and engaging customer experience.

To conclude on the HubSpot chatbot

HubSpot chatbots are an effective way to improve the customer experience, increase conversion rates, and optimize the use of your human resources. By following the steps described in this article, you will be in a position to set up a chatbot that will effectively meet the needs of your business and your customers.

Remember, the key to success lies in clearly defining your goals, customizing your chatbot and continuously optimizing it based on user feedback. And if you need help setting up HubSpot, Growth Room is a certified HubSpot agency. We manage the integration and deployment of HubSpot to get the most out of your CRM!